The last thing you might expect going to a doctor for a health problem is becoming a drug addict in the process. In the U.S., painkiller addiction is so rampant that 91 Americans die every day from an overdose of prescription opioids or heroin.
In 1986 the government sent a report to every doctor and healthcare facility in the US. That report was based on extensive research into back pain. Most people might not realize that low back pain is the number 1 health problem in the United States. It's responsible for more time off work, the high cost of rehabilitation on top of the extra high cost of surgery. Since surgery is only 20 to 30% effective and cost a lot of money the government decided to find the most effective treatment for back pain. After they evaluated all the research from around the world the number 1 active treatment they recommended was spinal adjustments. And so they sent this report to every healthcare facility in the United States in hopes of saving the country money.
Unfortunately this report was largely ignored. Surgeons kept doing ineffective surgery, and drug therapist kept giving more powerful painkillers. Today if you listen to news reports you realize we are having an opiate addiction problem like none other. Even though opiates can block pain they also cause a lot of drug addicts to this deadly drug. Since our healthcare system seems to focus more on gaining power over helping patients then you have to be your own protector. Just because a doctor writes your prescription doesn't mean that prescription is going to be both safe and effective for you.
Studies have shown over the past 50 years or so that there are over 2000 people who die every week from prescriptions they get from their doctor. These statistics only come from hospital bound patients we’re not for sure how many a week die who are not hospitalized. 2000 a week is like 3 jumbo jets crashing every week with no survivors for the past 50 years. There are over a million hospitalizations related to drug therapy per year. Now I would be the 1st to say that in certain conditions drugs are necessary to keep a person alive i.e. insulin for type 1diabetes. But the percent of the population who needs prescriptions to survive is a very low percent. Most people's conditions could be safely and effectively resolved through natural healthcare and chiropractic.
A seven-year study showed that patients whose primary physician was a chiropractor, experienced these results: 60% less hospital admissions, 59% less days in the hospital, 62% less outpatient surgeries, 85% less in pharmaceutical costs. Not only is natural healthcare/chiropractic substantially more effective in the countries’ number 1 health problem (low back pain) nutritional therapy and chiropractic can effectively resolve most nonemergency health challenges.
If you're having a heart attack you need to be in the hospital but after you’re released, if you want to fix the underlining problem that led to the heart attack, then drugs are not going to help you very much. Natural healthcare/chiropractic focuses on the underlying cause of disease. For instance type II diabetes is a growing problem in our society and drugs do not correct that, insulin might be essential in type I diabetes for those bodies who can't make insulin so you have to take it in order to stay alive. But conditions like type II diabetes are related to dietary faults and the subsequent over stressing of the bodies sugar management systems. Simple dietary changes along with targeted nutritional therapy can help the cells recognize insulin and self-regulate blood sugar levels.
I don't care if we are talking about allergies, blood pressure, autoimmune problems, and hormone problems in a high percent of cases you simply find the cause and correct the cause and health is the result. But we live in a pharmaceutical controlled society when it comes to healthcare. Multibillion dollar pharmaceutical companies have taken over healthcare and most clinics and hospitals. Unfortunately their bottom line is not your health but their bank account.
Just because you can take a drug and that drug may make acid reflux feel better doesn't mean that's the correct approach. Shutting down your digestive system at the level of the stomach will deftly remove acid that might burn your esophagus but it will also remove the initial digestive process to properly digest and absorb nutrients from what you eat. That's why studies of people who have taken antacids for long periods of time develop signs and symptoms of malnutrition. When you mess with the digestive system you mess with life. Acid reflux like headaches or back pain have a cause. Never is that because of a lack of pharmaceuticals.
Unfortunately in today's healthcare system symptom relief has become the dominant approach. That makes as much sense as clipping the wire to the warning light on your dashboard and thinking you've taken care of something, yes the warning light has gone off but the problem still there. This is one of the reasons why chronic disease has skyrocketed over the past 40 years. Who would guess it? If you don't fix the problem it just becomes much worse.
Natural healthcare/chiropractic offers a completely different approach to health care in that we don't play the symptom relief came. Our total focus is on finding the cause and then developing effective strategies to resolve the cause. When the cause is eliminated so are the symptoms.
You might think all doctors have this mindset but not if their primary treatment is pharmaceuticals. Except in very rare cases pharmaceuticals are never the appropriate treatment for most healthcare problems. If you have reoccurring headaches then either you have vertebra in your neck out of place or you have toxicity issues or possibly hormonal issues that need to be corrected. Painkillers don't fix any of those possible causes. Painkillers are the biggest killers in drug therapy. Several well-known painkillers have been taken off the market over the past 20 years because of the death rate. And opiates will not only kill you but they can cause a lifetime addiction and they don't fix at all the underlying cause for pain.
Buyer beware is a important slogan to protect yourself in the marketplace. Unfortunately in today's healthcare system you need to take responsibility for yours and your families choices in healthcare.