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Keefe Clinic

John H. Keefe III, D.C., P.C.
Chiropractic Physician

Fontana Center
(Inside Court)
5016 S. 79th East Avenue
Tulsa, Oklahoma

Phone (918) 663-1111
Fax (918) 663-2129

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Knowledge Base

Understanding nutritional therapy

Understanding nutritional therapy   Most people today realize the importance of natural laws like proper diet and nutrition when it comes to good health. It was only about 45 to 50 years ago that even medical doctors weren’t so sure about that. I remember watching a debate between a cardiologist and a lay nutritional expert […]

Walking away from pain and developing strategies for wellness

Walking away from pain and developing strategies for wellness Pain is the number 1 reason that people visit doctors of any type. Addressing the pain properly will have an impact on your level of wellness. Most people want to feel good, have plenty of energy, sleep like a baby and maintain good focus and mental function. Depending on how you […]


ALLERGIES Spring and fall tend to be the worst times of the year for allergies. Some people will suffer year-round particularly if they have a mold or dust allergy. Allergies can be from a mild nuisance, mucus draining down the back of the throat, to a full blown attack where you have sneezing, congested sinuses, […]

Muscle pain

Muscle pain Muscle pain that hangs on can be annoying. Be it from an accident, beginning an exercise program or just sleeping in the wrong position, adjustments and trigger point therapy can be quite effective. Sometimes you can have muscle problems due to toxicity and we offer several detox programs to help (Alkalize Detox Green […]


INJURIES AND CAR ACCIDENTS   The number one cause for disability in any Western country is due to automobile accidents. What is even more concerning is patients will have marked disability 10 to 20 years after an accident in which they didn’t feel they were hurt. With any accident, be it a car accident or […]

Stress disorders

Stress disorders When our stress handling system start to break down then we start to break down. When stress gets out of control our cardiovascular system, immune system, digestive system and hormonal system will start to suffer. Improper stress handling can affect our sleep, our attitude, our concentration and memory. The adrenals and the nervous […]

Getting your vegetables

Green drinks   Do you remember how your mom told you to eat your vegetables? Vegetables contain some of the nutrients that prevent some of our worst diseases. From heart disease to cancer, from arthritis to bone integrity the nutrition in vegetables are crucial. Some of us just don’t eat enough vegetables so green drinks […]

Probiotic strain cures peanut allergies in 80 percent of children

Probiotic strain cures peanut allergies in 80 percent of children Now scientists in Australia at the Murdoch Children's Research Institute are finding out that probiotics are the biggest step toward curing fatal peanut allergies in children. The 30 children involved in this study were allergic to peanuts at the onset. During the 18-month study, the […]

Chiropractic vs. Medicine: Who is More Cost Effective & Renders Better Outcomes for Spine?

  Chiropractic vs. Medicine: Who is More Cost Effective & Renders Better Outcomes for Spine?   By: Mark Studin DC, FASBE(C), DAAPM, DAAMLP   When we consider mechanical spine issues, we need to consider problems exclusive of fracture, tumor or infection. According to Houweling Et. Al. (2015) back pain effects 43% of the population over […]

Breaking the code of disease

Breaking the code of disease Part of the challenge that any doctor has is trying to understand and to help a patient with a certain condition. In chiropractic and natural healthcare we take a totally different approach in treating our patients. Instead of using drugs that just suppress symptoms, at a cost of sometimes serious […]

Someone said that you’re a quack, what does that mean?

You would think healthcare would be a straightforward profession of people who just want to help other people get well. Unfortunately politics and rivalry gets involved with healthcare as well. Soon after the AMA was started, its attack on other professions was one of their main jobs. Most people think the AMA is a public […]

Common sense approach to heart problems

Common sense approach to heart problems Do the “experts” know what they’re doing? Most people realize that heart disease is not due to a drug deficiency or lack of preventive surgeries. Heart disease is both a lifestyle and diet problem. The most current research points to inflammation, not cholesterol, as the cause for most heart […]

4 Foods That Are Good Sources of Resveratrol

4 Foods That Are Good Sources of Resveratrol by Deborah Enos, CN   |   August 23, 2013 12:46pm ET     Blueberries are a great source of resveratrol and other antioxidants, along with dietary fiber, vitamins C and K and manganese. All things in moderation. That's what my mom always said, and I think it is […]

Are vaccines safe and effective?

Over the years patients have asked this question, due to things that they’ve heard on both sides of the question. So let’s look at the First component. Are vaccines safe? What kind of safety testing is done on vaccines? And what is in vaccines? As far as what is in vaccines, that question might be difficult to […]

Chiropractic Effective for SI Joint Pain

  A new study confirms that chiropractic care is an effective, safe way to treat sacroiliac joint pain. The sacroiliac joint, or SI joint, is located at the base of the spine where the sacrum and pelvis connect to one another. SI joint pain can have a number of causes. Leg length discrepancies, pain or […]