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Keefe Clinic

John H. Keefe III, D.C., P.C.
Chiropractic Physician

Fontana Center
(Inside Court)
5016 S. 79th East Avenue
Tulsa, Oklahoma

Phone (918) 663-1111
Fax (918) 663-2129

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Knowledge Base

Houston We Have A Problem

These words were immortalized from a movie on an Apollo disaster. In this disaster fortunately all onboard survived. But there is a real-life disaster happening where those involved are not as lucky. I'm always amazed and mystified by human behavior. As Americans we sometimes are very gullible. Madison Avenue spends hundreds of millions of dollars […]

Diarrhea and Constipation Explained

Diarrhea and Constipation Explained When waste material travels through your digestive tract too quickly for sufficient water absorption to occur, your stools will be runny and more frequent than normal. Three main causes of diarrhea are: Undesirable microorganisms Food intolerances (like lactose intolerance) Stress In the first two cases listed above, it makes sense that […]


Healing comes from within. The wisdom that made your body can heal your body. Chiropractic science teaches that the body has an inborn ability to heal itself. In chiropractic we call this innate intelligence. When you cut your finger in most cases all you need to do is clean the cut and the body will […]

Natural Law Series: Rest And Relaxtion

Let us define what is meant by proper rest. Ideally it means freedom from work or physical activity; freedom from disturbance of mind or spirit, peace of mind. The purpose of proper rest is to restore, to bring back to a former or original condition.   There are presently many theories as to why we […]

Natural Law Series: Diet

Many books have been written concerning diet. What is a good diet? Is there a perfect diet? Is there a diet everyone should follow? When I was in school an instructor challenged us; "You can make any statement about diet, even an outrageous one, and I will find an authority who agrees with you and […]

10 Reasons Parents Take Healthy Children To Chiropractors

By Dr Jen / 24th June Some adults may wonder why more and more children are starting to see chiropractors. That’s a good question and the answer is simple: whether we have a large spine or a tiny little spine, if that spine is creating nerve distress then our magnificent bodies may not operate smoothly… […]

Did you ever learn to breathe?

The breath of life Since breathing is a movement pattern, it can be  altered by a combination of factors. The rate, rhythm and volume of breathing are affected by physical, chemical and emotional influences. How we breathe is a habit or repetitive process, that processor pattern is controlled and regulated through the central nervous system. […]


Despite persistent skepticism, the most common childhood psychiatric disorder is increasingly understood to be a brain malfunction. Different forms of the disorder may have different biological roots. Discoveries in neuroscience are reinforcing a growing consensus that attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), as it is officially known, is not just a set of behavior problems but a biologically […]

How Loud Do You Scream?

I am sure many of you have observed how different people respond to pain. You have some that seem to lose it emotionally when they're in pain and others that suffer quietly. You also will notice many shades in between these two expressions. I am sure you have noticed with people close to you or […]
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