When patients start chiropractic care. They don't always fully understand what it is the chiropractor does or exactly how he accomplishes what he does. A lot of people assume that chiropractors limit their practice to neck and back pain. Though governments studies show that the chiropractic adjustment is the number one treatment for back pain in the world chiropractic was discovered in the case of deafness not back pain.
Your spine is the central computer for your whole body. Your blood pressure, your immune response, your digestive functions, your detox pathways, your hormone systems as well as all other systems of your body are regulated and controlled by your nervous system. When your nervous system stops functioning everything stops functioning. If you nervous system function is compromised by 10% then your body is compromised by 10%. And so the number one reason that Chiropractic Physicians work at realigning the spine is to improve nervous system function. As goes your nervous system so goes your health. And so as a new chiropractic patient you might be surprised that your digestion is improving, or your energy level is increasing, or your sleep has greatly improved, or your allergies are improving, but as a chiropractic physician I expect those changes.
Your bodies intelligence knows how to keep you healthy if it has control of your organs and systems, and if it has the building blocks it needs to repair. So that's why we focus on spinal alignment and diet. If you read the Five laws of health pamphlet series you understand there are more things that we work with besides these two, it's just that these are the most common issues needing attention.
When it comes to the spine we are usually working with years of distortion. Multiple injuries, be they minor or not, affect spinal alignment. Years of neglect cause muscles and ligaments and tendons to hold your spine in an abnormal position. You need to look at chiropractic spinal alignment similar to orthodontics for crooked teeth. Pressure over time causes change, adjustments over time produce correction. Long after your symptoms have disappeared your spine needs continued care to bring about permanent correction so you don't have a repeat of the symptoms that brought you in or even worse.
A lot of people have been subconsciously programmed to the medical model: symptoms are the problem, symptom relief is the cure. The health model is find the cause of the symptom, correct the cause and maintain the correction. Symptom relief does not improve your health, correction of the cause does.
I want to encourage you to get the most from your chiropractic care by following our recommendations even after the symptoms have improved as we are in the process of correction. The symptoms are the first to go because they were the last to appear. You develop the underlying problem and over time, pathology develops to the point of symptoms. As we correct the cause the symptoms are the first to disappear. Don't be confused simply because you're feeling better, stay with the program until it's corrected.