Do you suffer from chronic pain? Do you know someone who has dealt with long-term symptoms? If so, you know how frustrating it can be to search for health, to try every new drug or surgery available and find you are still left with the same problem...and sometimes with new ones that the drugs or surgery caused. There can be periods of time when people just give up and feel that there is no hope. Many people decide they will just have to live with the pain.
At Keefe Clinic we see many patients who have reached this point and feel discourage about trying anything new. Then a family member or friend tells them about chiropractic and encourages them to try one more time! In the vast majority of these cases, these people do find help that had eluded them up to that point. In many cases their problem wasn't that hard to correct; it's just that no doctor had yet tried to treat the cause of their problems. This seems to be the most common cause of treatment failure that I see.
The Question
Many times grateful, satisfied patients ask me, "Why didn’t my other doctors tell me this, or do what you did to help me overcome this problem?"
I understand this question, because a long time ago I asked my own chiropractic physician the very same question after he helped me overcome a condition that my family medical doctor had been totally unable to treat. Until that point I had been programmed not to ask questions of my medical doctor and just except the treatment that I received from him as the correct and only possible approach.
The Answer
My chiropractor’s answered made me look at the health care system in the US with new eyes. He explained that the type of doctors that I saw portrayed on TV were trained in the use of drugs to cover-up symptoms of disease and not how to help the body heal itself. In fact, outside of crisis care (like heart transplants, or acute infections, broken bones, etc.) They had a very limited scope that they could actually help. He taught that, although giving drugs to cover-up symptoms might make someone feel temporarily better, this just sends the problem underground or deeper within the body to get worse.
The fact is that in order to secure health within the body proper diet, exercise, rest, positive attitude and the pressure free nervous system have to be in place to support good health. The average drug therapists in the US has had little or no training in these areas. This is why Americans spend more on health care than any country in the world and have the least to show for it. Women in the US are outlived by women and 25 other countries while US men are outlived by men and 36 other countries. It is hard to understand why our healthcare system is capable of transplanting organs and yet is unable to help someone stop having daily headaches without continually drugging the symptoms away.
Natural Health Care
At Keefe Clinic we believe health is a natural process and is by nature a low-tech phenomena. High-tech belongs in crisis care which is different than health care. Health Care includes the supporting of the body's natural processes to enhance proper function. In natural health care we follow the principle: "first of all do no harm." The guiding concept is a respect for the body's own intelligence built-in by our Creator. When this life principle is expressed at 100% to each part of the body then the chance for 100% function will be the highest possible. And 100% function would be health!
The Choice
Most Americans don't know they have a choice. They are often uninformed about the natural healthcare option. Chiropractic is the world's largest natural healthcare system. Chiropractic physicians utilize the most current knowledge available in safe natural methods to return the body back to normal function. Symptom relief, under chiropractic care, is a product of returning the body back to healthy function. Our motto at Keefe Clinic is, "a natural approach first, drugs second, surgery last."
If you are looking for just a quick fix, then health, true health, will always elude you. On the other hand, if you're committed to finding health, you will be pleased with the tools you will find at Keefe Clinic that will help you reach that goal. We care about you and your health. We offer health care for the whole family.
What A Pain In The Neck!
Got neck pain? If so, you’re not alone since millions of Americans are in the same boat.
There are many causes, some serious, others not so serious. As you might suspect, neck pain can be related to employment, recreational activities, or other activities of daily living like finally cleaning out that garage.
Most of the time, it may be a result of more subtle reasons such as poor posture or stress.
Neck pain can be brought on by sleeping in a bad position (falling asleep on the couch late at night watching TV), or looking up at the stars for a time, or when seated at your computer.
From a clinical perspective, most of the time you’ve either strained a muscle, or spinal joints are subluxated, or ligaments like the disc are injured.
If your spine is unhealthy, you may lose your normal neck curve and suffer from pain, nerve irritation and disc degeneration. Although many doctors tell their patients that this is due to age, disc degeneration can be found in young children while some older adults are relatively free of it. One of the most common causes of disc degeneration is years of uncorrected subluxations. Over time uncorrected subluxations degeneration causes arthritic changes in the vertebrae such as lipping or spurring (bony growths), disc thinning and deterioration. Studies show little or no correlation between the degree of pain felt in the neck and arthritic changes found on X-rays and MRI. Subluxation degeneration is considered a defense mechanism that tries to stabilize an off-balance spine.
First of all understand your head weighs about 10 pounds. Try carrying that much weight around all day in your arms and see how it feels by day’s end!
When questioned, many patients simply don’t remember what brought on their neck pain. It just hurts. Most figure it will go away and won’t do anything differently until it becomes a “quality of life” issue.
In other words, one is now having difficulty playing golf, dancing with their spouse, going to work, or playing with their children. Then and only then is one ready to make changes, which include seeking help from a healthcare professional.
Throughout this ordeal, dads try to “tough it out” compared to moms who are on the phone calling the doctor for help almost immediately. And mom is usually responsible for getting dad to do something about it, too.
More and more kids are also experiencing neck pain due to time spent on the computer, long hours studying, or as a result of more aggressive work-out schedules related to school sports.
Here are some simple tips since poor posture is a major contributor:
Standing: Maintain natural curves of the spine; not too stiff or too relaxed. Tighten abdomen, tuck buttocks, hold head erect with ears positioned over shoulders.
Sitting: Sit back in chair, not on edge, feet on floor. Position rolled towel or pillow above belt line to get additional low back support.
Lying: Avoid sleeping on stomach. Lie on your side with knees bent. Use firm mattress. Use cervical pillow or position pillow so neck remains as straight (horizontal), as possible.
Chiropractic care is the most effective treatment on the planet for neck pain.
Chiropractic spinal care corrects a severe form of spine and nerve stress known as the vertebral subluxation complex ("subluxation"). This restores proper movement to your spinal column, permitting greater energy, information and nutrients to flow over your nerves and tissues and throughout your body. When corrected, your entire spine begins to rebalance. That is why, for example, people with lower back problems, after receiving a neck adjustment from their chiropractor, find, to their surprise, that their low back pain not only starts feeling better (as well as many other problems) but they have more energy as well!
Just as a periodic dental checkup is necessary to keep your teeth healthy, so a chiropractic spinal checkup is necessary to ensure a nervous system that is free from spinal nerve stress permitting you to experience greater healing and well-being. No matter what disease or condition you have, you can benefit from a healthy spine.
For more information don’t hesitate to contact our office directly 918-663-1111.
Published: September 11, 2012
New evidence that women are more likely to be harmed than helped by screening tests for ovarian cancer is disturbing. The tests do nothing to prevent healthy women from dying from the usually fatal disease. Yet they often lead doctors to perform needless surgeries that cause serious complications in many patients.
The judgment from the United States Preventive Services Task Force, issued on Monday, updates its longstanding verdict that healthy women with an average risk of ovarian cancer should not be screened for the disease. The task force, 16 federally appointed experts, makes recommendations on which screening tests work and which don't. The American Cancer Society and the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists have also discouraged the use of screening tests for ovarian cancer in most women.
Such advice does not apply to women who have genetic mutations or a family history that puts them at high risk or to women who have suspicious symptoms, like persistent bloating and pelvic or abdominal pain, symptoms that are not unique to ovarian cancer.
The task force relied heavily on a large study published last year of 78,000 women ages 55 to 74, half of whom were screened with ultrasounds and blood tests for a biological marker of ovarian cancer, and half of whom were not. After following them for 11 to 13 years, the death rate from ovarian cancer was the same in both groups. But nearly 10 percent of those screened, more than 3,200 women, had false-positive results and more than 1,000 of them had surgery, usually to remove one or both ovaries. Many of them had serious complications, such as surgical injuries to other organs, infections and blood clots.
As Denise Grady pointed out in The Times on Tuesday, the problem with the tests is that the biological marker being measured (CA-125) can be elevated by conditions other than cancer and the ultrasounds can reveal benign cysts that cannot be distinguished from cancer without surgery to remove the ovary.
Despite the expert advice against routine screening, a survey of 1,000 doctors published in February found that a third of them believed that screening was effective and many offered it to patients. Many patients request screening, believing that it can find the disease early enough to save lives. It is long past time for doctors and their patients to recognize that this assumption is wrong.
The Anti-Ovarian Cancer Diet
By William W. Li, MD President, The Angiogenesis Foundation
Experts believe that one-third of all cancers can be prevented by what you eat. Here are four foods known to be protective against ovarian cancer. Endive Endive is a salad vegetable. Studies of more than 62,000 women in the Netherlands have found those who ate endive had a 75% reduction in the risk of ovarian cancer. Endive contains a naturally occurring cancer fighter called kaempferol (also found in spinach, kale and broccoli).
Researchers have discovered that when ovarian cancer cells are exposed to kaempferol, they die. Protective Prescription: Research shows you should eat a half-cup of endives, twice per week. Onion Eating: onions has been shown to reduce the risk of many types of cancer, including ovarian cancer. Red onions are about 60% more potent than yellow or white onions, in terms of the amounts of cancer fighters. Protective Prescription: To protect against ovarian cancer, you should eat a half-cup of onions - cooked or raw - every day. Fish a series of studies from Northern Italy showed that eating fish reduced the risk of ovarian cancer by 30%. Omega-3 fatty acids in fish that are good for your heart and protect against stroke also protect against cancer. Protective Prescription: Research suggests eating 6-oz servings of fish 2-3 times per week. Tomato: Tomatoes protect against ovarian cancer. A study of 13,000 women in California showed that eating a half-cup of tomatoes five or more times a week reduced the risk of ovarian cancer by more than 60%. What's in tomato? Lycopene - and it's anti-angiogenic, too.
Studies show more people are searching for natural solutions for their health. In 1993 the American Medical Association did a survey of health habits of Americans and found that more Americans visited doctors that practiced natural healthcare then doctors that practiced drug therapy and surgery.
There are many reasons for this shift in healthcare. Some people are concerned about the side effects that drugs have, (2000 deaths per week and over 1 million injuries per year), some people have a sense of body ecology and don't want to put any artificial substances within their body. Some people have discovered drugs mainly cover-up symptoms and never get to the root of their problem, and are more concerned with maximizing their health than just making some symptoms disappear.
I'm sure you have seen either a popular magazine or news program on TV on the benefits of different natural healthcare techniques. Chiropractic is the world's largest natural healthcare profession and specializes in finding the root cause of health problems and helping restore patients to better health through natural methods.
At Keefe clinic these are the principles that we specialize in. We promise you that we will not just cover-up your symptoms and allow the underlying condition time to get worse.
Chiropractic care, homeopathic care, individualized diet, acupuncture, nutritional therapy, muscle therapy and exercise, whatever it takes to move your body from disease to health, dysfunction to realizing your genetic potentials. We will customize a program to fit your particular health needs, from low back pain and headaches to digestive problems and PMS. From ear infections in babies to arthritis or heart disease and the geriatric patient, we offer the latest and natural healthcare.
If you have a health problem or suffering from some painful condition I would like to invite you to come in for a complimentary consultation, or, if you have been looking for clinic that offers natural healthcare and want to get started rebuilding your health, please give Keefe clinic call at 918-663-1111. We offer classic diagnostic testing as well as unique state-of-the-art innovative testing techniques from the natural healthcare field to help understand the nature of your particular health issues and help customize a treatment program. We offer comprehensive natural family care. Come join the revolution. Learn how to take control of your health needs.
For more information visit our website:
Air pollution contributes to lung disease, including respiratory tract infections, asthma, and lung cancer. Lung disease claims close to 335,000 lives in America every year and is the third leading cause of death in the United States. Over the last decade, the death rate for lung disease has risen faster than for almost any other major disease.
Poor indoor air quality can cause or contribute to the development of chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma and hypersensitivity pneumonitis. In addition, it can cause headaches, dry eyes, nasal congestion, nausea and fatigue. People who already have respiratory diseases are at greater risk.
Biological pollutants, including molds, bacteria, viruses, pollen, dust mites, and animal dander promote poor indoor air quality and may be a major cause of days lost from work and school. In office buildings, heating, cooling, and ventilation systems are frequent sources of biological substances that are inhaled, leading to breathing problems.
Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) also called "secondhand smoke," a major indoor air pollutant, contains about 4,000 chemicals, including 200 known poisons, such as formaldehyde and carbon monoxide, as well as 43 carcinogens.
ETS causes an estimated 3,000 lung cancer deaths and 35,000 to 60,000 heart disease deaths in non-smokers, as well as 150,000 to 300,000 cases of lower respiratory tract infections in children under 18 months of age each year.
Formaldehyde is a common chemical, found primarily in adhesive or bonding agents for many materials found in households and offices, including carpets, upholstery, particle board, and plywood paneling. The release of formaldehyde into the air may cause health problems, such as coughing; eye, nose, and throat irritation; skin rashes, headaches, and dizziness.
Household cleaning agents, personal care products, pesticides, paints, hobby products, and solvents may be sources of hundreds of potentially harmful chemicals. Such components in many household and personal care products can cause dizziness, nausea, allergic reactions, eye/skin/respiratory tract irritation, and cancer.
Indoor air pollution is a disease of modern architecture. Soaring energy costs, increased conservation efforts and new construction technologies have each contributed to why and how we seal outside air out and inside air in, with deadly precision. Most homes are 4 to 5 times more polluted than the air outside, even in areas where factories are all around. Accord ing to the EPA, indoor air pollution is considered one of America's #1 environmental health concerns.
When it comes to the air that we breathe, we would be safer in the wilderness.
There is a simple way to cleanse the air in your home. Living air is as easy to operate as a toaster. It was built by engineers, not artists, so it's pretty plain to look at. It was built to work, to cleanse the air in your home year after trouble-free year . Living air uses technology as old as the earth itself to cleanse the air in your home naturally. Every time the sun comes up, every time lightning strikes across the sky, it cleanses the air outside. Living air duplicates that process, "harnesses it" so to speak and brings that cleansing action to your home.
Living air has been scientifically proven to eliminate odors, smoke and even secondhand tobacco smoke. It literally knocks all the pollutants out of the air giving you and your family a safe environment or safe zone to live in.
Ask us about Living Air TODAY!
Keefe Clinic incorporates a very old form of healing called HOMEOPATHY, Homeopathy is one of the oldest and gentlest forms of medicine known to mankind. From our customized allergy mix to our flower mix for emotional processing, we offer a full line of homeopathy.
To understand the philosophy of Homeopathy, there are some terms that you must know, such as:
IATROGENIC DISEASE- (eye-atra-genic) This means a disease that is caused by medical treatment, hospital stay, or drugs you are taking.
ALLOPATHIC MEDICINE - This is medicine as we know it today: surgery, injections of drugs, utilization of drugs or combinations of drugs, vaccinations, and hospitalization. Medical doctors are allopathic physicians.
HOLISTIC OR ALTERNATE THERAPY - This is a belief in "natural" therapy, which means the UTILIZATION of nutrition, changes in life styles, homeopathy, diet, vitamins, minerals, herbs, exercise, environmental detoxification, body detoxification, adjustment of the spine, reflex testing etc. Anything that you can do to help yourself achieve health would be considered alternate therapy. Holistic doctors would be most Doctors of Chiropractic, some Osteopathic a few Medical Doctors, Naturopath, Homeopaths, any health care professional that is working to make you a healthy person by using natural means.
WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR HEALTH? This is a common misconception in the world today. Most people think that their doctor is responsible for their health. This is NOT TRUE...YOU are the only person in the world that is responsible for your health. You have active choices in life... YOU can choose to lead a sensible healthy lifestyle, or you can choose a lifestyle that will lead you towards illness.
We are not saying that allopathic doctors and hospitals are not necessary. They are a must for crisis care...when you break a bone, or have an accident, or when you let a condition get out of hand.
"Over one third of hospital patients studied develop iatrogenic illnesses as a result of medical treatment, according to testimony before a US. Senate Appropriations Committee panel. Almost 10 percent of the patients contacted seriously disabling, life-threatening iatrogenic illnesses. Some fifty thousand Americans a year die from infections and diseases caught in hospitals. As many patients are dying each year from hospitalizations as from automobile accidents.' (pg 224, The Supermeds)
Homeopathy is a form of treatment that gently nudges the body towards a healthy state. It is 190 years old and was discovered by Samuel Hahnemann(l755-l843).
The Latin phrase 'Similia similibus curantur' ("Like shall be cured by like") forms the cornerstone of Homeopathic doctrine. According to Hahnemann, the proper remedy for an illness is that substance which in a HEATHY person would produce the same set of symptoms exhibited in the sick patient. This Law of Similars was not original with Hahnemann. The ideas had been advanced by philosophers and physicians from time to time for thousands of years, and Hahnemann acknowledges his debt to Hippocrates, in whose writings the principle of 'like cures like" appears. Hahnemann, however, was the first to build a consistent system of therapeutics based on this principle. (page 6 THE COMPLETE BOOK OF HOMEOPATHY: Weiner and Goss)
Homeopathy uses infinitesimal or micro doses of natural materials, mineral, animal, etc. Homeopathy's single purpose is to pay attention to the whole human being. The simple remedy is to trigger the Vital Force (Chi) within the human body which begins the body's own curative process. This is a medical philosophy which is recognized and extensively used by physicians throughout the world.
Homeopathy is alive and well in all parts of the world. In Britain, members of the Royal Family have been cared for by homeopathic physicians since the reign of Queen Victoria. Prince Charles' interest in Homeopathy and alternative health care is widely known. Homeopathy is taught, used in hospitals and physician's offices in France, Scotland, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, India, Mexico, Chili, Brazil and Argentine.
Homeopathy is on the rise all over the world, owing to the dissatisfaction of both physicians and patients with current medical treatment. Physicians and patients are looking for a SAFE and EFFECTIVE approach to healing and finding the answer in homeopathy.
Your doctor will instruct you on dosage, usually 10-15 drops three or four times a day. REMEMBER, there are no side-effects, and you do not have to worry about over-dosage. To increase effect, take half as much twice as often. If symptoms sever take a few drops every few minutes.
There are some things to keep in mind with your homeopathic remedies. They should be stored away from electrical or energy producing machines. This means to keep your remedies away from the television set, computer, iridescent light fixtures, and X-ray machines (including the x-.rays used in airports).
Call Dr. Keefe if you have any questions.
Light and heat do not affect homeopathic products. Just be sure to keep the products away from X-rays, magnets, TV sets (anything with an electromagnetic field). Some homeopathic doctors contend that these products stay potent for many years.
Talk with your doctor and let him lead you in the right direction. There are no short cuts basically, you must adhere to the old adage, "nothing in excess-all things in moderation" Once you have been given a remedy remember to bring it at each appointment as we might need to change its contents from time to time.
You can do much to improve your overall heath by changing your diet.
1. Cut down on all fats
a. Too much peanut butter
b. Yellow fat on meats
c. Cold cuts
d. Butter, margarine, and hydrogenate fats
e. Rancid cooking oils and lards
f. Tropical oils (especially coconut and/or
palm oil)
g. Heavy cream
h. Coffee creamers
i. Whole milk
2. Reduce salt intake
3. Don't eat preserved meats, such as bacon, ham, cold cuts that contain many preservatives and nitrates.
4. Use only fresh whole foods
5. Utilize whole grains and high fiber foods: oat bran, wheat, bran or rice bran (beans are very high in fiber)
6. Eat an abundance of raw vegetables and fruit. (Use the whole fruit instead of concentrated juices all the time). For example: The body was not designed to consume 6-10 apples at one time; when you drink a large glass of apple juice, you are getting that many apples. This applies to all fruit juices. So drink in moderation.
7. Do not consume alcohol, or consume in very limited quantities.
8. Limit your intake of sugar and white flour.
On the 3rd to 4th day of taking homeopathic remedies, you may experience some detoxification. You simply quit taking the remedy for one or two days and then start in again. When your symptoms go away, ask if it is time to quit taking the product.
Like Chiropractic, Homeopathy believes health comes from with in. Though drugs are needed at some time, drugs don't heal. After the crisis is over seek the cure of your health problems with Chiropractic and Homeopathy.
If you have high blood pressure you should do the following:
Lose weight if you're overweight.
Quit smoking if you smoke.
Be more active, striving to exercise at least 30 minutes a day.
Eat a healthy diet based on your body type and if you’r salt sensitive stop salt.
Cut back on alcohol to no more than one drink a day for women and two a day for men.
Get your spine in proper alignment. (The “Journal of Human Hypertension” released a study indicating chiropractic neck adjustments lower blood pressure better than two medications given at the same time.)
For some people, this advice (and following through with it) is enough to get their blood pressure back to normal levels.
If the above recommendations don’t seem to correct the problem then there are additional things to consider.
Seeking emotional stability
If you are not handling stress properly we can help outline a program to resolve that.
Isometric exercises and breathing
New studies show that by using isometric gripping exercises you can reduce your blood pressure considerably. Also Controlled breathing, trying to maintain less than 10 breaths a minute can lower blood pressure. I would recommend two websites: and
Minerals like potassium and magnesium can be the cause for some people’s high blood pressure if your low in them.
Foods that are high in potassium:
Apricots, avocado, bananas, cantaloupe, melons, kiwi, lima beans, milk, oranges and orange juice, potatoes, prunes, spin age, tomatoes, meat, fish, and poultry.
Foods high in magnesium:
Whole grain bread, dark green leafy vegetables, halibut, most kinds of nuts, especially almonds and cashews, soybeans, oatmeal, potatoes, peanut butter, black-eyed peas, and yogurt.
Other nutrients like garlic, Co-q-10, Hawthorne, L- arginine, fish oils, apple cider vinegar, cayenne pepper, ginseng and green or oolong tea have all been shown beneficial.
The salt myth
Research shows that for the vast majority of people,natural salt (sea salts) consumption does not raise blood pressure. The truth is avoiding salt can be dangerous to your health.
One study in the “Journal of Human Hypertension” (13:777-80, 1999) concluded that substituting table salt for potassium, magnesium, sodium salt... 9 out of 20 elderly hypertensive patients experienced an 11 point drop in their daytime systolic blood pressure. It turns out that natural sea salt rich in natural potassium, magnesium and sodium helps to normalize healthy blood pressure levels. un less your sodium sensitive, chances are your high blood pressure stems from a lack of the correct ratio of key minerals. Salt is basically sodium chloride and sodium ions, the two major components of salt, are necessary for survival for all known living creatures, including humans.
Don’t be afraid of the sun
Vitamin D is plentiful in sunlight, and it is necessary for a healthy immune system. The UV rays from the sun have been found to boost mood, which may lower blood pressure.
Get a good nights sleep
Not getting enough sleep can raise your blood pressure. If you don’t feel like you’re sleeping as well as you should, and especially if your sleeping partner complains that you are snoring more than normal, you might want to get a snore guard from our office to improve your sleep.
Eat more chocolate
A recent study published in the “Archives of Internal Medicine” found that eating or drinking cocoa lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of death in older men. A substance known as flavan-3-ols found in dark chocolate has been shown to lower blood pressure and improve the function of cells lining the blood vessels. Men who ate chocolate regularly over a 15 year study were found to have lower blood pressure than those who didn’t, even when weight, smoking, physical activity and other factors were taken into account. Remember it’s dark chocolate, I recommend finding one that has cocoa content 80% or higher. Don’t eat the whole bar just break off one layer per day.
Drink your water
Dehydration can increase your blood pressure.
Water needs are based on body weight. The formula is half the body weight considered in ounces. For example a 100 pound person’s cleansing dose would be 50 ounces of fluids per day. 80% of that would be the minimum dose, for instance 80% of 50 ounces is 40 ounces. For a hundred pound person they should drink between 40 to 50 ounces a day to keep hydrated otherwise they become dehydrated which can lead to several different health problems, high blood pressure is just one of them.
Efficacy of Anolyte
Efficacy (the capacity to produce an effect) studies performed with “near neutral” anolyte have shown that anolyte is up to 100 times more efficient against bacteria than bleach and testing performed by the U.S. Marine Corps confirmed that anthrax spores were killed immediately upon contact with anolyte.
Anolyte has been proven effective against a broad range of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, mycobacterium, viruses, yeasts, molds and spores. The method of killing unwanted microorganisms is accomplished through the physical destruction of the cell structure, bursting the cell’s membrane and disrupting the cell’s DNA. This type of lethal cell action does not allow the microorganisms to become “adaptive” to anolyte, forming resistant strains which can survive treatment. The same cannot be said for bleach and other traditional chemical biocides
Antibiotic soaps increase the risk
for antibiotic resistant organisms
called superbugs.
Nixall is safe anolytic water
At 100 ppm (OCT) you can dilute 10 parts water and 1 part Nixall to use. At 200 ppm (Cleanser) dilute 50/50 then 10 to 1. Can be used without diluting. It’s perfect for wound healing, minor cuts, burns, abrasions, irritation. Can be used for general disinfecting around the house and safe enough to spray in the eyes or down your throat with suspected bacterial infection. Can be used on all types of surfaces and actually helps oxygenate plants.
On the basis of the antimicrobial activity and the lack of animal toxicity, it is predicted that stabilized HOCl has potential pharmaceutical applications in the control of soft tissue infection. journal of burns and wounds v.6; 2007
Hypochlorous Acid Water – Kills Hospital Bacteria Artificial Organs 2004 Jun:28 (6):590-2 Vorobjeva NV, Vorobjeva LI, Khodjaev EY.
The study is designed to investigate bactericidal actions of electrolyzed oxidizing water on hospital infections. Ten (10) of the most common opportunistic pathogens are used for this study. Cultures are inoculated in 4.5 mL of electrolyzed oxidizing (EO) water or 4.5 mL of sterile deionized water (control), and incubated for 0, 0.5, and 5 min at room temperature. At the exposure time of 30 seconds the EO water completely inactivates all of the bacterial strains, with the exception of vegetative cells and spores of bacilli which need 5 min to be killed.
Composition of Anolyte
Anolyte (Nixall) produced from 7 g/l sodium chloride solution contains 99.3% water, with the remaining 0.7% of the solution being sodium chloride salt.
Anolyte generated at a near neutral pH contains mostly hypochlorous acid (92%). Anolyte achieves its efficacy against unwanted microorganisms with as little .01% hypochlorous acid.
Dr. V Turovetsky Ph. D., University of Moscow, Department of Biophysics published a study 2002 on Cell Survivability and Intracellular Ph, in his report he gives an explanation of the properties of Anolyte. In his report he stated that the immune system, in particular Macrophage, which are white blood cells, showed increase activity after exposure to the Anolyte solution. This increased immune response was a result of the Anolyte solutions ability to change intracellular physiology, the changes included accelerated hydration, increased Ph, decreased cell membrane damage and an increase in intracellular oxidative redox potential ORP.
Electro Activated cell water affects the basic core of cell biology. Clinically, is has been found that this water is capable of restoring function in the cells of the body. Activated water helps eliminate deeply held toxins such as heavy metals, drugs, chemicals, food toxins, medications and more. Users are reporting powerful health benefits from a very wide variety of health problems. They report increased energy, a greater sense of well being, overall detoxification, decreased cravings for junk food, more stable sleep patterns, improved hair, skin, nails and many other health complaints being alleviated. All water is not created equal. Activated water has the ability to penetrate every cell and tissue, hydrating the body in a way that isn’t experienced with any other type of water product.
Effects of a low concentration hypochlorous Acid nasal irrigation solution on bacteria, fungi, and virus.
Kim HJ, Lee JG, Kang JW, Cho HJ, Kim HS, Byeon HK, Yoon JH.
Source: Department of Medicine Graduate School, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
Saline irrigation would be more effective for chronic sinusitis patients if it had bactericidal effects. Low concentrations of hypochlorous acid (active ingredant in anolyte water) may be used as a nasal irrigation solution.
First, we developed a 0.85% NaCl solution by adding NaCl to tap water (pH 7.0 and 8.4) and measuring the concentration of free chlorine and hypochlorous acid after giving the solution a short electrical impulse of 20 seconds. Then we investigated whether the derived hypochlorous acid had a toxic effect on human primary nasal epithelial cells, if and what effect it had on the expression of mucin genes, and, finally, if it had bactericidal, fungicidal, or virucidal effects.
STUDY DESIGN: In vitro biochemical experiment.
We treated human primary nasal epithelial cells with 3.5 ppm of hypochlorous acid and then examined the cells for cytotoxicity. We also investigated the bactericidal, fungicidal, and virucidal effects by challenging the cells with the following microorganisms Aspergillus fumigatus, Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Rhizopus oryzae, Candida albicans, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Streptococcus pyogenes. To study the virucidal effects of HOCl, we used the human influenza A virus to challenge the cells.
In the cytotoxicity assay and in the morphological examination, the cells did not show anytoxicity at 30 minute or 2 hours after treatment with HOCl. More than 99% of bactericidal or fungicidal activity was noted for all species, except for Candida albicans, in tap water at either pH 7.0 or 8.4. In addition, a 3.2-log10 reduction was achieved in cells challenged with the human influenza A virus.
CONCLUSIONS: A low concentration HOCl solution can be used as an effective nasal irrigation solution.
Electrochemically-Activated Anolyte water has been extensively tested
Electrochemically-Activated water (Anolyte) has been tested in over 300 agriculture applications in Europe and Canada.
In 98% of all farms tested with Anolyte (through animal consumption and spraying) results have shown a reduction in death rates, a reduction in antibiotics and other medicine and a reduction in livestock stress levels.
Anolyte water is the best way to protect you and your animals’ health.
Pathogens that ‘Anolyte’ Controls
Applications --Anolyte is required any where clean water is a necessity!
Unsurpassed disinfection and sterilization results
Electrochemically-Activated Water ‘Anolyte’ positively affects the basic core of cell biology.
Many of us have been jaded by the constant onslaught of "the latest" medical news, much of which seems to contradict what we just heard or read about the week before.
But on July 9, millions of us - patients and health care providers alike - paid rapt attention when the federal government's National Institutes of Health released findings from a major clinical trial, warning of the risks associated with a widely used type of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) that combines two female hormones, estrogen and progestin.
It's estimated that 6 million postmenopausal American women currently take Prempro or similar combined estrogen-progestin drugs to ease menopause symptoms and to improve their health and well-being.
Risks Outweigh Benefit,
The study, called the Women's Health Initiative (WHI), found that the combined drugs caused increases in breast cancer, heart attacks, strokes and blood clots. Although the risk to an individual woman may be small, the number of cases occurring in the population at large can be great, researchers said. And those risks outweigh the drugs' actual benefits - a small decrease in hip fractures and a decrease in cases of colorectal cancer. The study was released four years earlier than expected because of researchers' concerns.
The WHI study is the first-ever long-term randomized controlled clinical trial - considered the gold standard by medical researchers - of hormone replacement therapy. The WHI was established in 1991 by the government to address the most common causes of death, disability and impaired quality of life in postmenopausal women. The Medical College of Wisconsin is one of 40 WHI clinical sites nationwide where study participants are seen and monitored.
The Women's Health Initiative is a 15-year multimillion-dollar endeavor, and one of the largest US prevention studies of its kind. The study was designed to look at the effects not only of HRT, but also diet modification and vitamin and mineral supplements. Some 67,000 women from across the country, ranging in age from 50 to 79, are participating in the WHI clinical trials. In addition to those women, the study is also following the medical history and health habits of an additional 100,000 women to examine the relationship between lifestyle, health and risk factors with specific disease outcomes. Final results are due out in 2006.
More than 16,600 U.S. women are participating in the combined estrogen-progestin portion of the trial, among them 438 women who are in the Medical College of Wisconsin group. They were sent letters telling them to discontinue taking those drugs. The WHI is continuing to study the effects of ERT, or estrogen-alone drugs, used by women who have had a hysterectomy. WHI has not stopped that portion of the study.
Is there a safe alternative?
For years women have found safe alternatives to synthetic hormone replacement therapy. Because these approaches are not patented you don't always hear about them. When a pharmaceutical company can obtain sole rights to a drug they can charge what they want and can usually make millions if not billions of dollars before the patent runs out. Companies that sell natural products are not able to do this and thus are under considerably more competition and have less resources to advertise. That's why most people not only know about drug therapy approaches but assume there are no other choices.
The good news is there are many safe and effective alternatives to hormone replacement therapy. When considering a healthy hormone state one should consider normal lifestyle habits. Diet, exercise, plenty of clean water, sunshine, and sleep are just a few of the important lifestyle habits to maintain a healthy chemistry. Along with these lifestyle habits different nutritional products have been shown to be very effective. Herbs like black cohosh have a very high success rate in controlling many of the symptoms of menopause like hot flashes. Stronger bones, healthier heart, balanced emotions, healthier skin and a normal sexual response can be maintained by properly balancing hormones during this time of life.
Different foods have been shown to be beneficial in this strategy. Foods made from soybean or flax can help a woman maintain a better hormone balance. At Keefe Clinic we have different options in utilizing these particular foods.
Lab work, symptoms survey questionnaires and vega testing can be helpful in developing a nutritional approach to hormone balance. We carry a line of creams and pellets that have natural estrogen and progesterone to help maintain a proper level. The hormones in these products are derived from plants, yet the estrogen is the actual form of one of the estrogens naturally produced in the body. These hormones have been used for over 20 years with no known side effects.
If you would like to be evaluated for hormone balance, be it for symptoms of menopause or premenstrual syndrome, don't hesitate to ask.
Those who use Hemp Hearts™ in quantity each morning to totally change their diets so that they no longer consume excess unnecessary nutrients, especially those who reduce their weight to levels not experienced since their teen years, can expect profound improvements in health and energy.
For healthy digestive systems--everyone should avoid starches and processed foods as much as possible.
The human digestive system needs a lot of roughage—raw, long fiber foods with coarse skins and membranes -- so that natural contractions will hold the food being processed together and move it en masse through our twenty foot long digestive systems. This process leaves the walls of the digestive system clean so that nutrients can be absorbed from the next material that passes. Cooked, ground, processed foods--especially starches--become pastes which remain plastered on the walls of our digestive systems thus preventing the absorption of nutrients from fresh material. Those who eat Hemp Hearts in quantity with roughage early every morning will go to the bathroom after every meal; their stools will be yellow like those of a baby because they have not been retained long; they will experience perfect digestive health. Those who add starches to this diet will sometimes experience watery stools as liquefied starches are swept through the system by faster moving Hemp Hearts and roughage. If you are determined to eat cereal with your Hemp Hearts for breakfast, at least be certain that it is as unprocessed as possible and do not eat starch again that day or you may have watery stools.
Every cell in the human body needs to be supplied every morning with sufficient protein, essential fats, vitamins, minerals and enzymes for tissue health: The protein, essential fat and enzyme requirements are easily satisfied by Hemp Hearts. The vitamin, mineral and enzyme requirements are easily satisfied by Hemp Hearts in conjunction with assorted vegetables. The long fiber food requirement is only satisfied effectively by raw vegetables, perhaps with the significant addition of raw fruit for those who are not diabetic. Those who avoid starches while supplying themselves every morning with all of the essential nutrients will have veins and arteries that expand and contract with each heartbeat keeping passages clean--resulting in low blood pressure, excellent circulation, improved body function and optimum mental capacity. They will not suffer from inflammatory conditions and will look much younger than their age. They will have abundant long lasting energy for good mental health and success.
Those who eat at least 5, but perhaps as much as 8, Heaping tablespoons of Hemp Hearts early each morning with salads made with spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, radishes, celery, ripe avocado, beans in the pod, alfalfa sprouts and bean sprouts—further flavored with cayenne pepper, garlic, lemon, lime and perhaps some yogurt—always experience profound health and energy benefits. More adventurous salad makers sometimes incorporate cabbage lettuce, kale, chives, water cress, endive, black radish, red beet, dandelion, sorrel, radish sprouts, soaked beans and chia sprouts.
A breakfast of HEMP HEARTS™ is a concentrated and balanced source of all required proteins and essential fats.
Besides diabetics and others with conditions requiring that they eat more frequently, those who eat four to five tablespoons of HEMP HEARTS™ early each morning report that they are not yet hungry at lunchtime -- often only slightly hungry at three or four o'clock in the afternoon
Expect reduced cravings for foods with stimulants, sugars, starches and saturated fats. Such foods in excess promote obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, strokes, diabetes, increased susceptibility to cancer and a whole spectrum of diet-related diseases. Satisfied by HEMP HEARTS™, your body will not make insatiable demands that result in unhealthy food choices.
Contains several times more Omega 3 essential fat than any fish.
Contains more required amino acids (proteins) than milk, meat or eggs.
A complete protein source--much more balanced & digestible than any Soy product.
Contains about 47% oil, 86% of which is omega 3, 6 and 9.
Contains all the essential and Omega fats required for human health.
Provides more energy than energy bars--without their sugar and with less saturated fat.
Suitable for those unable to eat gluten, sugar, milk, nuts & meat.
Perfect for those troubled with constipation and for those avoiding carbohydrates.
No THC and is Kosher!
Calories 567/100g
Protein 30.6/100g
Total Fat 47.2g/100g
Saturated Fat 5.2g/100g
Palmitic 16:0 3.44g/100g
Arachidic 20:0 0.28g/100g
Stearic 18:0 1.46g/100g
Monounsaturated Fat 5.8g/100g
Oleic 18:1 5.8g/100g
Polyunsaturated Fat 36.2g/100g
Linoleic 18:2 (Omega-6 EFA) 27.56g/100g
Linolenic 18:3 (Omega-3 EFA) 8.68g/100g
Total Essential Fatty Acids 36.24g/100g
Carbohydrate 10.9g/l00g
Moisture 4.7g/100g
Cholesterol O.Og/100g
Total Dietary Fiber 6.0g/100g
Sugars 1.99g/100g
Fructose 0.45g/100g
Glucose 0.30g/100g
Sucrose 1.24g/100g
Maltose <0.lg/l00g
Lactose <0.lg/l00g
Vitamin A (B-Carotene) 4 IU/100g
Thiamine (Vitamin B1) 1.38mg/100g
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 0.33mg/100g
Vitamin B6 0.12mg/100g
Vitamin C 1.0mg/100g
Vitamin D 2277.5 IU/100g
VitaminE(d)-A-Tocopherol)8.96 IU/100g
Sodium 9.0mg/100g
Calcium 74.0mg/100g
Iron 4.7mg/100g
Tetrahydrocannabinol none detectable
ALLERGY INFORMATION: Hemp Hearts are free of preservatives, eggs, nuts, dairy, soy and gluten.
WARNING HEMP HEARTS™ provide amazing amounts of energy and may keep one from sleeping if consumed late in the day.
With the death rate from heart problems so high and the number of Americans suffering with heart related disease, we need to look at our approach to heart health.
Fortunately, we are slowly evolving from an era where a headache has been treated as an aspirin deficiency into an era of molecular or nutritional medicine, where we can now find the biochemical defects (missing nutrients) that predispose people to many symptoms. The main reasons for so many deficiencies today are dual:
(1) We are the first generation to eat so many processed foods that have been stripped of their nutrients to expand shelf life; and (2) We are the first generation to ever be exposed to and be detoxifying so many chemicals on a daily basis. This process of detoxification requires and actually uses up, or depletes, many nutrients.
For example, most grocery stores' cooking oils and margarines are purified and hydrogenated. This means the oils and margarines have been processed with strong chemicals that remove most of the vitamins and minerals. This is so the product can last for months and not go bad. Unfortunately these nutrients are the very ones that are necessary to prevent arteriosclerosis, early heart attacks, high blood pressure, impotence, Alzheimer's presenile dementia, strokes, premature aging, etc.
Furthermore, hydrogenation means that the product has been exposed to a temperature in excess of 1,000 F, which causes a twisting of the molecule. Normally, lipid (fat or oil) molecules fit into the membranes of cells to protect them and promote proper function. When these heat twisted molecules are ingested, they fit into the membranes like broken keys. They lock into the structure, but they stop it from functioning properly, and they prevent the good molecules from entering to perform their functions. Meanwhile, the twisted molecules are capable of causing the very same damage that saturated fats (from bacon, cheese, steak, etc.) cause.
What do doctors who have not studied nutrition recommend to heart patients?
Margarines, artificial eggs, etc.
Margarines are as much as 35% trans (the "bad" twisted molecules) fatty acids. Corn oil, artificial ("plastic") egg substitutes and most "natural whole grain health breads" (made with hydrogenated oils) contain significant amounts as well. So U.S. cardiologists could have actually been accelerating disease. U.S. cardiologists are blamed specifically, because European doctors are either more aware of biochemistry, are not so egocentric that they cannot listen to doctors who do read about the latest scientific discoveries or perhaps are not as controlled financially by other interests, like food and chemical manufacturers. Europe won't even allow the sales of our margarines there because they are so notoriously high in damaging trans- fatty acids.
Another point is that more than 51% of the heart patients in a recent study were low in magnesium in one study. These are the patients who died from a recalcitrant arrhythmia, induced by an undetected mineral deficiency.
For example, in patients who had suffered heart attacks, had bypass surgery and all the best modern drugs and yet were found to be relentlessly persistent in closing off new vessels with arteriosclerotic deposits, diet and lifestyle changes were able to reverse these lesions in one year, as proven by PET scans. Yet, cardiologists commonly treat irregular heartbeat (cardiac arrhythmia) with various drugs, like calcium channel blockers, even though magnesium is nature's calcium channel blocker.
In a time when government studies reveal that the average American diet only provides a small percent of the daily requirement for magnesium, is it any wonder that there is such an upsurge in the use of calcium channel blockers? The problem is that by artificially fixing the minerally deficiency symptom with a medication instead of correcting' the underlying cause, the deficiency is allowed to progress and cause other serious conquences, like sudden death.
In terms of chronic care, the cardiologist can actually be contributing to disease. For example, mineral deficiency may be a solo cause or one of several causes of hypertension and cardiovascular disease, which is the number one cause of chronic illness and death in the U.S. However, the main category of drug prescribed for chronic hypertension, a diuretic, is notorious for causing mineral deficiency.
So the very drug that is prescribed to treat (mask) the symptom, is actually worsening the underlying cause. The patient has only one option: to get sicker. As his mineral deficiency worsens, the patient may suffer chronic back spasms, chronic fatigue or depression, cardiac arrhythmia or even sudden death. If that were not enough, these diuretics also elevate serum lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides), thereby accentuating another cause of arteriosclerosis. And this occurs because we are drug-oriented and merely mask the symptoms, rather than look for the biochemical causes.
Doctors, in general, do not read bio-chemistry research journals, even though one of the roles of research biochemists is to make important discoveries about human health. Physicians instead normally read medical journals that are between 10 and 45 years behind actual scientific discoveries.
Should anyone take a preview peak into the literature and report it before the self-appointed medical authorities do, he immediately gets proclaimed a quack, or the information is labeled unsubstantiated. This is almost as though there is an unwritten rule: "It shall not be discovered and announced and taken for common knowledge until we are ready."
Historically, nutritional care has not only taken a back seat, but has taken a beating from drug-oriented medicine. Meanwhile, the politics and pace of change in medicine may make it necessary for you to take charge now until the cardiologists and other doctors catch up with the molecular era of nutritional medicine.
In another report, a research dietitian warned that the popular low fat, high-carbohydrate diet americans are being encouraged to follow isn't necessarily best for everyone - and could endanger the health of some individuals.
OK, What can I do? Seek correction not just treatment (symptom relief) for your health problems.
If you have a heart related problem 1) Make sure no subluxations affecting the heart go uncorrected 2) Ask us for a complete lab work-up and Vega exam to find if there are any nutrient problems relating to the underlying condition. 3) Start a regular exercise program 4) Ask about stress reduction.
Your lifestyle changes can make all the difference in the world. There is hope.
We physicians with all our training, knowledge and authority often acquire a rather large ego that tends to make it difficult to admit we are wrong. So, here it is. I freely admit to being wrong. As a heart surgeon with 25 years experience, having performed over 5,000 open-heart surgeries, today is my day to right the wrong with medical and scientific fact.
I trained for many years with other prominent physicians labelled “opinion makers.” Bombarded with scientific literature, continually attending education seminars, we opinion makers insisted heart disease resulted from the simple fact of elevated blood cholesterol.
The only accepted therapy was prescribing medications to lower cholesterol and a diet that severely restricted fat intake. The latter of course we insisted would lower cholesterol and heart disease. Deviations from these recommendations were considered heresy and could quite possibly result in malpractice.
It Is Not Working!
These recommendations are no longer scientifically or morally defensible. The discovery a few years ago that inflammation in the artery wall is the real cause of heart disease is slowly leading to a paradigm shift in how heart disease and other chronic ailments will be treated.
The long-established dietary recommendations have created epidemics of obesity and diabetes, the consequences of which dwarf any historical plague in terms of mortality, human suffering and dire economic consequences.
Despite the fact that 25% of the population takes expensive statin medications and despite the fact we have reduced the fat content of our diets, more Americans will die this year of heart disease than ever before.
Statistics from the American Heart Association show that 75 million Americans currently suffer from heart disease, 20 million have diabetes and 57 million have pre-diabetes. These disorders are affecting younger and younger people in greater numbers every year.
Simply stated, without inflammation being present in the body, there is no way that cholesterol would accumulate in the wall of the blood vessel and cause heart disease and strokes. Without inflammation, cholesterol would move freely throughout the body as nature intended. It is inflammation that causes cholesterol to become trapped.
Inflammation is not complicated — it is quite simply your body’s natural defence to a foreign invader such as a bacteria, toxin or virus. The cycle of inflammation is perfect in how it protects your body from these bacterial and viral invaders. However, if we chronically expose the body to injury by toxins or foods the human body was never designed to process,a condition occurs called chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation is just as harmful as acute inflammation is beneficial.
What thoughtful person would willfully expose himself repeatedly to foods or other substances that are known to cause injury to the body? Well, smokers perhaps, but at least they made that choice willfully.
The rest of us have simply followed the recommended mainstream diet that is low in fat and high in polyunsaturated fats and carbohydrates, not knowing we were causing repeated injury to our blood vessels. This repeated injury creates chronic inflammation leading to heart disease, stroke, diabetes and obesity.
Let me repeat that: The injury and inflammation in our blood vessels is caused by the low fat diet recommended for years by mainstream medicine.
What are the biggest culprits of chronic inflammation? Quite simply, they are the overload of simple, highly processed carbohydrates (sugar, flour and all the products made from them) and the excess consumption of omega-6 vegetable oils like soybean, corn and sunflower that are found in many processed foods.
Take a moment to visualize rubbing a stiff brush repeatedly over soft skin until it becomes quite red and nearly bleeding. you kept this up several times a day, every day for five years. If you could tolerate this painful brushing, you would have a bleeding, swollen infected area that became worse with each repeated injury. This is a good way to visualize the inflammatory process that could be going on in your body right now.
Regardless of where the inflammatory process occurs, externally or internally, it is the same. I have peered inside thousands upon thousands of arteries. A diseased artery looks as if someone took a brush and scrubbed repeatedly against its wall. Several times a day, every day, the foods we eat create small injuries compounding into more injuries, causing the body to respond continuously and appropriately with inflammation.
While we savor the tantalizing taste of a sweet roll, our bodies respond alarmingly as if a foreign invader arrived declaring war. Foods loaded with sugars and simple carbohydrates, or processed with omega-6 oils for long shelf life have been the mainstay of the American diet for six decades. These foods have been slowly poisoning everyone.
How does eating a simple sweet roll create a cascade of inflammation to make you sick?
Imagine spilling syrup on your keyboard and you have a visual of what occurs inside the cell. When we consume simple carbohydrates such as sugar, blood sugar rises rapidly. In response, your pancreas secretes insulin whose primary purpose is to drive sugar into each cell where it is stored for energy. If the cell is full and does not need glucose, it is rejected to avoid extra sugar gumming up the works.
When your full cells reject the extra glucose, blood sugar rises producing more insulin and the glucose converts to stored fat.
What does all this have to do with inflammation? Blood sugar is controlled in a very narrow range. Extra sugar molecules attach to a variety of proteins that in turn injure the blood vessel wall. This repeated injury to the blood vessel wall sets off inflammation. When you spike your blood sugar level several times a day, every day, it is exactly like taking sandpaper to the inside of your delicate blood vessels.
While you may not be able to see it, rest assured it is there. I saw it in over 5,000 surgical patients spanning 25 years who all shared one common denominator — inflammation in their arteries.
Let’s get back to the sweet roll. That innocent looking goody not only contains sugars, it is baked in one of many omega-6 oils such as soybean. Chips and fries are soaked in soybean oil; processed foods are manufactured with omega-6 oils for longer shelf life. While omega-6′s are essential -they are part of every cell membrane controlling what goes in and out of the cell — they must be in the correct balance with omega-3′s.
If the balance shifts by consuming excessive omega-6, the cell membrane produces chemicals called cytokines that directly cause inflammation.
Today’s mainstream American diet has produced an extreme imbalance of these two fats. The ratio of imbalance ranges from 15:1 to as high as 30:1 in favor of omega-6. That’s a tremendous amount of cytokines causing inflammation. In today’s food environment, a 3:1 ratio would be optimal and healthy.
To make matters worse, the excess weight you are carrying from eating these foods creates overloaded fat cells that pour out large quantities of pro-inflammatory chemicals that add to the injury caused by having high blood sugar. The process that began with a sweet roll turns into a vicious cycle over time that creates heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and finally, Alzheimer’s disease, as the inflammatory process continues unabated.
There is no escaping the fact that the more we consume prepared and processed foods, the more we trip the inflammation switch little by little each day. The human body cannot process, nor was it designed to consume, foods packed with sugars and soaked in omega-6 oils.
There is but one answer to quieting inflammation, and that is returning to foods closer to their natural state. To build muscle, eat more protein. Choose carbohydrates that are very complex such as colorful fruits and vegetables. Cut down on or eliminate inflammation- causing omega-6 fats like corn and soybean oil and the processed foods that are made from them.
One tablespoon of corn oil contains 7,280 mg of omega-6; soybean contains 6,940 mg. Instead, use olive oil or butter from grass-fed beef.
Animal fats contain less than 20% omega-6 and are much less likely to cause inflammation than the supposedly healthy oils labelled polyunsaturated. Forget the “science” that has been drummed into your head for decades. The science that saturated fat alone causes heart disease is non-existent. The science that saturated fat raises blood cholesterol is also very weak. Since we now know that cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease, the concern about saturated fat is even more absurd today.
The cholesterol theory led to the no-fat, low-fat recommendations that in turn created the very foods now causing an epidemic of inflammation. Mainstream medicine made a terrible mistake when it advised people to avoid saturated fat in favor of foods high in omega-6 fats. We now have an epidemic of arterial inflammation leading to heart disease and other silent killers.
What you can do is choose whole foods your grandmother served and not those your mom turned to as grocery store aisles filled with manufactured foods. By eliminating inflammatory foods and adding essential nutrients from fresh unprocessed food, you will reverse years of damage in your arteries and throughout your body from consuming the typical American diet.
Twenty million Americans see their doctors each year because of a headache. Although headaches can be very uncomfortable and temporarily disabling, most are not associated with serious illness.
When a person has a headache, several areas of the head can hurt, including a network of nerves that extends over the scalp and certain nerves in the face, mouth and throat.
Rarely, headache is a symptom of a dangerous condition such cerebral aneurysm, brain tumor, stroke, TIA, meningitis, or encephalitis. Very high blood pressure can cause headaches and this situation is a medical emergency. However, high blood pressure usually causes no symptoms at all, despite the damage that years of high blood pressure can do to blood vessels, heart, brain, and kidneys.
The most common type of headache is "tension headache." Tension headaches generally develop gradually, often involve the entire head as well as the neck and shoulders. They probably are not actually caused by increased muscle tension, although muscle relaxation techniques can be very useful in treatment. Most people get tension headaches occasionally and these can usually be treated simply. Some people get them often, but there are usually some useful interventions to help decrease the number of sick days.
Migraine headaches are "bad headaches." With classic migraine, the headache is proceeded by a feeling that a headache will develop (prodrome) followed by visual phenomena such as dark or bright spots, streaks of light, or tunnel vision (aura). The headache then develops, usually on one side. It is throbbing in nature, accompanied by nausea and increased sensitivity to light and noise.
Most people with migraine headaches do not experience prodrome or aura. Common migraine headache, like classic migraine headache is treatable and often preventable.
Migraineurs, those who develop migraine headaches often have a family history of migraine headache and they have headache triggers. People who get headaches when they don't have enough of their daily caffeine are migraineurs. They would have fewer migraines if they completely eliminated caffeine. Chocolate, red wines, nuts and cheeses are common food triggers. Migraines before or during menstrual periods are common. Not all migraineurs get terrible headaches, but some certainly do. Migraine is an important cause of lost days of school, work and enjoyment.
Women who smoke and who experience migraine headaches with aura have more than twice the risk of stroke if they take estrogen-containing birth control pills than those who use nonestrogen-based contraception. Changing to a nonestrogen or very low-estrogen contraceptive not only can reduce the risk of stroke but can dramatically decrease the number of headaches.
Cluster headaches are headaches lasting minutes to hours that occur day after day at a similar time over a period of weeks. They are sharp. People with cluster headaches often describe the pain as similar to an ice pick.
They are more common in men, and are more difficult to treat than most headaches. Interestingly, oxygen therapy will often stop a daily cluster headache. Many of the medications used to prevent or treat migraine headaches are used to treat cluster headaches.
Sinus headaches are those frontal headaches that some people experience with sinus infection and with changes in the weather. Allergies can also provoke them.
See a health care professional on an urgent basis if any of the following occur:
1. Severe, sudden headaches that seem to come on like "a bolt out of the blue."
2. Headaches that are accompanied by a loss of consciousness, alertness or sensation, confusion, or other neurological and/or personality changes.
3. Headaches that recur in one particular area such as an eye, temple etc.
4. Headaches that recur and are of high intensity or frequency.
5. Headaches that are accompanied by neck stiffness and fever.
6. Headaches that are associated with head injury.
7. There is a change in the nature or frequency of headaches.
8. The worst headache in one's life.
9. Temporary change in vision or visual acuity may simply be a sign of migraine headache but deserves special attention if new.
To avoid headaches, employ good health habits. These include adequate sleep, healthy diet, regular exercise and good stress management. Quitting smoking is essential in reducing the risks for all headaches.
Relaxation and related stress reduction therapies can diminish the frequency and intensity of headaches.
It's true you can always take a pain pill for a headache but will that really treat the cause? If you have regular headaches it's important to understand their cause. A recent study of headaches determined chiropractic care was the most effective treatment for headaches on the planet.
This indicates that spinal subluxations (misalignments) are at the roots of most headaches. Pain pills might short-circuit the pain signal but it won't correct the misalignment. The nerve pressure, the misalignment is causing, will produce other health problems if not corrected. So using pain pills for headaches are both shortsighted and potentially dangerous for your health. Dangerous not only because you're allowing a condition time to develop but also because pain pills can cause devastating effects to the stomach, kidneys and liver, to name a few.
Headaches can also be coming from other causes like being toxic, hormonal imbalances, allergies, electrolyte and other nutritional deficiencies. Problems with your body handling stress can be another source of headaches. Simply taking a pain pill does not address any of these issues. As a Chiropractic Physician my job is to search for the cause of your condition. Once we understand why you headaches are there then the proper course of correction is usually evident.
Over the years I've seen thousands of patients become permanently free of their chronic reoccurring headaches through natural health care. Chiropractic can help you also. Always seek to find a permanent solution to your health problems. Enjoy life.
HCG or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is a glycoprotein hormone produced in pregnancy that is made by the developing embryo after conception and later by the placenta. Its primary utility is to provide nourishment to the fetus by burning the fat content from the mother's body. Research on HCG has suggested that it can have large repercussions on tackling obesity, a glaring problem in the modern day. Taking small daily doses of HCG can result in weight loss of 1 to 2 lbs per day, and often more, when accompanied by a low calorie diet of approximately 500 calories. HCG has thus emerged as a powerful tool within the realms of weight loss and obesity issues, and the best part is that HCG weight loss programs is that they are easy to start, maintain, and leave. So if you really want to shed the excess weight, don't waste any more time.
The discovery of the effects of HCG for weight loss
A.T.W. Simeons, a British endocrinologist, discovered the impact of HCG on obesity in the late 1950s while working in India. He realized that some of the pregnant women in India were themselves quite malnourished, but were still able to have healthy babies. This helped Dr. Simeons understand how HCG (which influences the Hypothalamus within the brain) is released during pregnancy, and how it makes the body use up the fat reserves of the body without having any affect on muscle. Dr. Simeons then used this technique to come up with a HCG protocol or diet plan which involved administration of small quantities of HCG for a specific amount of time along with a low calorie diet. The idea was to basically make the hypothalamus use up the excess stored up body fat when the body is on a low calorie diet, with the help of small doses of HCG. This makes the body burn excess fat for energy and results in weight loss at a fast and steady rate. Dr. Simeons theorized that HCG distributed stored fat and helped the body to metabolize fat. However, although HCG became a rage during the late 1950's and 1960's, HCG for weight loss gradually lost popularity until its uses in weight loss were revived in 2007 by an infomercial and highly acclaimed book by Kevin Trudeau called "The Weight Loss Cure They Don't Want You to Know About". Mr. Trudeau has given in detail the wide scale applicability and impact that HCG can have.
Benefits of HCG
If you have tried the various diets and weight loss programs, and are dissatisfied with the outcomes, then an HCG diet may be the right option for you. The HCG weight loss diet has its advantages in areas where other weight loss diets and programs appear to be seriously lacking. It attacks the causes of obesity such as low metabolism, intense physiological hunger and binge or emotional eating. These abnormalities have usually been linked to a small region in the brain known as the hypothalamus. Other diet programs simply deal with the symptoms of such abnormalities by cutting the intake of food, thus they become far less effective in the long run. The fat that is lost after intense exercise regimes and numerous months of strict dieting returns almost as soon as one goes back to a normal diet. However, HCG diets can help bring these abnormalities, such as low metabolism, which are the fundamental causes of obesity within normal parameters. This is only possible due to the fact that HCG enables a sort of restructuring of the hypothalamus and so addresses the essentials of the weight problem. Thus the real benefits of the HCG protocol lie in modifying the dieter's relationship with food and eating, resulting in easily maintained, long-term weight loss.
When we put on weight, our bodies usually add on the extra pounds in certain "problem" areas. These include the hips, arms and below the chin. The easier it is to put on weight in these areas, the harder it is to lose weight from them. Anyone who has tried dieting and weight loss programs will know how true this is. On the other hand, because HCG diets have a cause based rather than a symptom based approach, they are highly effective in releasing "problem area" fat. Your body structure will appear almost reshaped when you look in the mirror. It is known to decrease waist sizes drastically leading to flat stomachs and a feeling that the old clothes are now highly oversized! Most people who have tried HCG diets say that after a few days they feel as though they have had liposuction done. Another plus point of HCG weight loss diets is the efficacy of these diets within short periods of time. The impact is visible on the first day itself, and the positive effects HCG diets will have on your body, and your life, will be immediate and apparent.
HCG Protocol
Most HCG protocols have a high success rate and help people lose around 1 lb of fat a day. It may seem unbelievable but people can lose from 3 - 5 lbs on the first day itself! A 30 - 45 day HCG protocol is more than sufficient to help you get back to shape and develop a new happy healthy point of view. Getting on the weighing scale in the morning and finding that you have lost weight every single day that you follow the HCG protocol can be a highly motivating and exciting experience.
Well researched and specialized protocols are an essential part of HCG diets. These are planned in such a manner that even if you cut down the daily calorie intake, you would not feel hungry or deprived in any way. Quite unlike the usual diets we know of. This takes place because the HCG instructs the body to utilize fat reserves through the hypothalamus. Hence the body is flooded with 2000 - 3000 calories from these reserves which along with the calorie intake as part of the program is more than sufficient to take care of your daily nourishment. Further, not only is your hunger controlled, but your energy levels stay high. Hence you will not feel lethargic, tired or grumpy during the day.
The simplicity of using HCG for weight loss lies in the ease with which one can lose the amount of weight one wants to and then leave the diet as and when it pleases them. There is a short stabilizing period when you want to get off the protocol, which helps you get back to your normal diet and maintain your new weight. Protocols generally include switching to organic foods and daily HCG under the direction of a health care provider. Other recommended activities include walking an hour a day or more and doing breathing exercises.
Courtesy of:
John H. Keefe III, D.C.
(918) 663-1111
By Chris Kilham Published October 09, 2013
Chris Kilham and natives with Tongkat Ali root (Kilham)
While women undergo menopause, it appears that middle-aged men also experience their own very significant period of change called andropause – sometimes referred to as man-o-pause. Andropause is caused by a steady decline in two valuable hormones: testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). As these hormones decline, things indeed change. Though symptoms vary from one man to another, andropause can result in lower libido, erectile dysfunction, sleep disorders, fatigue, loss of mental sharpness and an inverse change in the ratio of lean muscle to fat.
Andropause is also referred to as partial androgen deficiency in aging males (PADAM). An androgen is any hormone that helps in the development and maintenance of male characteristics, including secondary sex characteristics. These include the growth of body hair, muscle mass and strength, growth of the penis and testicles, sperm production, broadening of the chest and enlargement of the voice box.
Starting at age 30, the body’s levels of testosterone decline by approximately 1 percent every year. Thus by age 50 or so, a man may have lost a full 20 percent of his total testosterone.
While this can have physical, mental and emotional effects, it does not mean that a man’s reproductive capacity suffers. Unlike women, men can usually still father children even into advanced age.
Men who work in pharmaceutical labs, work with agricultural pesticides or who are in regular contact with industrial chemicals are known to experience greater decline in androgens than other men.
The loss of testosterone, which is more widely studied than the loss of DHEA, is typically experienced as a loss of youthful vitality. The resulting inverse ratio of lean muscle to fat means that formerly well-developed muscle tissue is reduced and fat increases. These are classic signs of what most people consider the normal aging process.
But the question is, does this have to happen?
We now know that regular exercise, especially vigorous exercise, can help people maintain a higher level of sex hormones longer and later in life. Exercise also enhances overall energy, circulation and cardiovascular health and improves mental well being.
But now a couple of significant studies out of Malaysia show that an herb from that region can also boost the body’s natural production of testosterone later in life, thus counteracting PADAM. Dr. Ishmael Tamby, a reproductive specialist in Kuala Lumpur, has studied the use of a Malaysian rainforest herb called Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia), and its effects on men.
Tamby's study was conducted by selecting thirty adult males of various ages, assessing their testosterone levels and then administering 100 milligrams of Tongkat Ali extract to test subjects daily.
The researchers discovered that the testosterone levels of all subjects rose, resulting in a reported 73 percent improvement in sexual function, a 91 percent improvement in libido and an 82 percent psychological improvement relative to sex compared to the control group.
In a recent study of a similar type, administration of Tongkat Ali resulted in a 47 percent improvement in DHEA levels.
While taking testosterone drugs can be risky due to unwanted side effects including nausea, vomiting, acne, changes in skin color and pain, no such negative effects have been reported with Tongkat Ali. This is because the herb does not contain any testosterone, but instead triggers the body’s own natural capacity to create the hormone.
In the studies conducted by Tamby and others, daily supplementary use of Tongkat Ali extract results in a feeling of youthful vigor. Malaysian athletes use the herb to maintain physical strength and lean muscle. Both men and women who take Tongkat Ali experience a boost in libido.
If you are going to use Tongkat Ali, look for supplements that contain an extract standardized to 22 percent eurypeptides. The dose used in the human studies is 100 milligrams daily.
Summer season has officially passed and yes, cold season is back. Do you know the earliest signs of cold symptoms and what to do about them? Now, moving onto cold prevention and how to mitigate the severity of cold symptoms. Luckily, there are several natural ways you can conquer a cold. There are a few vitamins you should take during the cold season to help your baseline immune system: vitamin C, vitamin A&D, and probiotics. There are other supplements that are a bit more complicated and should be started and monitored by your integrative practitioner and that includes black elderberry, Echinacea, quercetin, turmeric, zinc, and cordyceps, just to name a few options. By doing aerobic exercise regularly it make you breathe faster to help transfer oxygen from your lungs to your blood; and makes you sweat once your body heats up. These exercises help increase the body's natural virus-killing cells.
This commentary reviews a brilliant series of 3 consecutive studies, comparing popular forms of treatment for chronic spinal pain, including NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), acupuncture, and chiropractic spinal adjusting for relief. The author reports that this is the first study of long-term efficacy of 3 distinct and standardized treatment regimens for patients with chronic spinal pain syndromes. Using the same outcome instruments they found that, of the 3 randomized treatments, only spinal adjusting had provided broad-based beneficial short-term AND long-term benefits from care.
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When patients start chiropractic care. They don't always fully understand what it is the chiropractor does or exactly how he accomplishes what he does. A lot of people assume that chiropractors limit their practice to neck and back pain. Though governments studies show that the chiropractic adjustment is the number one treatment for back pain in the world chiropractic was discovered in the case of deafness not back pain.
Your spine is the central computer for your whole body. Your blood pressure, your immune response, your digestive functions, your detox pathways, your hormone systems as well as all other systems of your body are regulated and controlled by your nervous system. When your nervous system stops functioning everything stops functioning. If you nervous system function is compromised by 10% then your body is compromised by 10%. And so the number one reason that Chiropractic Physicians work at realigning the spine is to improve nervous system function. As goes your nervous system so goes your health. And so as a new chiropractic patient you might be surprised that your digestion is improving, or your energy level is increasing, or your sleep has greatly improved, or your allergies are improving, but as a chiropractic physician I expect those changes.
Your bodies intelligence knows how to keep you healthy if it has control of your organs and systems, and if it has the building blocks it needs to repair. So that's why we focus on spinal alignment and diet. If you read the Five laws of health pamphlet series you understand there are more things that we work with besides these two, it's just that these are the most common issues needing attention.
When it comes to the spine we are usually working with years of distortion. Multiple injuries, be they minor or not, affect spinal alignment. Years of neglect cause muscles and ligaments and tendons to hold your spine in an abnormal position. You need to look at chiropractic spinal alignment similar to orthodontics for crooked teeth. Pressure over time causes change, adjustments over time produce correction. Long after your symptoms have disappeared your spine needs continued care to bring about permanent correction so you don't have a repeat of the symptoms that brought you in or even worse.
A lot of people have been subconsciously programmed to the medical model: symptoms are the problem, symptom relief is the cure. The health model is find the cause of the symptom, correct the cause and maintain the correction. Symptom relief does not improve your health, correction of the cause does.
I want to encourage you to get the most from your chiropractic care by following our recommendations even after the symptoms have improved as we are in the process of correction. The symptoms are the first to go because they were the last to appear. You develop the underlying problem and over time, pathology develops to the point of symptoms. As we correct the cause the symptoms are the first to disappear. Don't be confused simply because you're feeling better, stay with the program until it's corrected.
The gallbladder is a hollow system that sits just beneath the liver. In adults, the gallbladder measures approximately 8 centimetres (3.1 in) in length and 4 centimetres (1.6 in) in diameter when fully distended. At the neck of the gall bladder is a mucosal fold called Hartmann's pouch, where gallstones commonly get stuck.
When food containing fat enters the digestive tract, it stimulates the secretion of cholecystokinin (CCK). In response to CCK, the adult human gallbladder, which stores about 50 millilitres (1.7 U.S. fl oz; 1.8 imp fl oz) of bile, releases its contents into the duodenum. The bile, originally produced in the liver, emulsifies fats in partly digested food.
During storage in the gallbladder, bile becomes more concentrated which increases its potency and intensifies its effect on fats.
Gallbladder attacks are more common than you may think. Gallstones affect more than 25,000 million Americans with 1 million new cases diagnosed annually, according to the American Gastroenterological Association.
People can go for years with digestive symptoms and never realize that they may be related to a gallbladder problem. That's because they are so inter-woven with other digestive symptoms such as indigestion, gas, bloating and constipation.
" Pain or tenderness under the rib cage on the right side
" Pain between shoulder blades
" Stools light or chalky colored
" Indigestion after eating, especially fatty or greasy foods
" Nausea
" Dizziness
" Bloating
" Gas
" Burping or belching
" Feeling of fullness or food not digesting
" Diarrhea (or alternating from soft to watery)
" Constipation
" Headache over eyes, especially right
" Bitter fluid comes up after eating
" Frequent use of laxatives
Please note that if you are in severe pain and particularly if your attack symptoms are accompanied by fever DO SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY. The following symptoms are typical of a gallbladder attack.
" Moderate to severe pain under the right side of the rib cage
" Pain may radiate through to the back or to the right shoulder
" Severe upper abdominal pain (biliary colic)
" Nausea
" Queasiness
" Vomiting
" Gas
" Burping or belching
" Attacks are often at night
" Attacks often occur after overeating
" Pain will often but not always follow a meal with fats or grease
" Pain may be worse with deep inhalation
" Attacks can last from 15 minutes to 15 hours
Symptoms of a gallbladder attack are often caused by gallbladder stones. However, short of causing an actual attack, stones may be present for years and never cause any symptoms at all. "Biliary pain can occur in about a third of the gallstone patients" (which leaves two thirds NOT experiencing pain) and "sometimes the gallstone symptoms are difficult to differentiate from that of dyspepsia." (indigestion) The gallstones can impair the functioning of the gallbladder, however, which can result in any of the common gallbladder symptoms.
Gall bladder symptoms can look and feel the same with or without stones. Therefore, all of the symptoms on listed on this page can accompany gallstones.
70-80% of people with gallstones never know they have them. These are called "silent gallstones". However, the remaining 20-30% still results in 500,000-700,000 gallbladder removals every year. And since the diet of the general American population is not improving, those numbers are rising.
The risk of silent gallstones causing a gallbladder attack is about 1% per year.
A study in the New England Journal of Medicine compared the mortality rate from emergency surgery performed for obstructing gallstones with the mortality rate from routine, scheduled gallbladder surgery and concluded that the latter gallbladder surgery is actually more dangerous. They advised that "silent" gallstones should not be subjected to surgery but left alone.
And another study reports:
"We conclude that innocent gallstones are not a myth, and that in some populations the majority of silent gallstones are inconsequential. We believe that routine prophylactic operation for silent gallstone disease, at least in white American men, is neither necessary nor advisable.".
Foods to Avoid for Gallstones:
Eggs, pork, gluten, onion, fowl, milk, coffee, grapefruit, oranges, corn, beans and nuts, alcohol, saturated fats, hydrogenated oils and partially hydrogenated oils
NOTE: green beans are not classified as beans.
Gallstones may be removed from the gallbladder by means of a gallbladder and liver flush.
As noted earlier in the pamphlet bile will concentrate in the gallbladder and if the gallbladder becomes sluggish and doesn't fully empty then this concentrated bile can develop into stones. Olive oil is a great stimulus to the gallbladder to empty itself and thus olive oil can help keep the gallbladder from developing stones. I would recommend at least a tablespoon a day for those individuals who suspect gallbladder problems. There are different supplements that can help dissolve gallstones one of those pectin in apple juice, I would recommend arsenic (pesticide) free organic apple juice. Choline is a supplement we use frequently for gallbladder issues because this can help reduce gallstones. Through testing we can determine the best approach in dealing with gallbladder issues and sometimes it can be purely neurological. Misalignments in the upper mid back can affect gallbladder function and can lead to functional spasms of the gallbladder. Coffee enemas can be very effective at stopping gallbladder attack (ask for coffee enema handout). The gallbladder liver flush indicated earlier is a seven day program that first prepares the stones to be removed and then on Saturday a drink is produced that will have a strong flushing effect on the gallbladder. Note: this flush should be used with some caution as large stones may become lodged in the bile ducts or common bile duct and might require surgery. (After 25 years recommending this no one has required surgery so for).
Home Remedies for Gallbladder
Home Remedies for Gallbladder #1 Alfalfa cleanses the liver and supplies necessary vitamins and minerals. Twice a day for two days, take 1,000 milligrams in tablet or capsule form with a glass of warm water.
Home Remedies for Gallbladder #2 Peppermint capsules are used in Europe to cleanse the gallbladder.
Home Remedies for Gallbladder #3 If you have gallstones, or are prone to developing them, turmeric can reduce your risk of further problems.
Home Remedies for Gallbladder #4 Other beneficial herbs include barberry root bark, catnip, cramp bark, dandelion, fennel, ginger root, horsetail, parsley and wild yam.
Home Remedies for Gallbladder #5 If you have an attack, drink 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of apple juice. This should relieve the pain quickly. If the pain does not subside, go to the emergency room to rule out other disorders such heart problems.
There are many toxins in our environment, and over time our bodies absorb, ingest and accumulate these toxins. So, we must begin by removing as much of these accumulated toxins as possible. Through the various forms of detoxification processes, we want to remain very conscious that everything that touches or enters our body contains as few toxins as possible. In particular, the air we breathe can bring in all sorts of toxins into our body. But for now, we will focus on hydration detoxification technologies.
The human body is electric because the body cells are electric. Disorders and diseases of the body have vibration frequencies that are incompatible with healthy cells. Thus they disrupt the cells' natural oscillation and polarity. This disruption creates imbalance and chaos within each affected cell. When cells are in an imbalanced state, they are unable to facilitate the body's normal functions needed for healing, including ridding itself of heavy metals, parasites and other toxins. On the other hand, when cells are fully charged up to an electrically balanced state, they help the body to regulate itself. As a result, we will HAVE a healthy and energetic feeling.
Studies show that an overall balancing effect occurs with the foot bath, along with a significant increase in the number of negative ions in the human body. Ions are atoms or molecules that have lost or gained electrons. If the atoms or molecules lose electrons, they become positively charged ions. If they gain electrons, they become negatively charged ions.
The ionic technique of cleansing through our feet provides a full body purge of all vital organs
What is a typical footbath detox session?
While immersing your feet in the water, positive and negative ions are emitted by the system. This reenergizes the body and red blood cells. This type of system is described as a Detoxification machine because the response of a rebalanced body is to excrete any excess toxins via the kidneys, liver, bowels and skin. This process not only occurs DURING a detox footbath session, but also AFTER a treatment. The footbath triggers the body's lymphatic system and continues to detoxify for the next 24 to 48 hours. The entire process takes approximately 30 minutes for adults and is completely safe to use.
During a 30-minute session, the ions enter your body and begin to neutralize these tissue acid wastes. This process is called reverse osmosis.
What is the water's role in the body?
Since the body is composed of 70% water, it is the perfect way to address wellness for the whole body. The benefits of detoxifying in this manner is similar to walking in the sand along the beach, only more powerful because your feet are in direct contact with the ions being created in the water. Water has an almost perfect balance of positive and negative ions. When you immerse a body mass into water, the vibration frequency of the water will affect the vibration frequency of the body due to the interaction of the magnetic and electrical field. It's an exceptional natural healing tool. It is a painless and relaxing process, and unlike prescription drugs, there are no harmful side effects.
Can people with Diabetes use the system?
Yes, but it is recommend that users with diabetes begin their detox protocol by using the system at a reduced power rate coupled with a decrease in session length. 10-minute duration is recommended for the first session. If the user feels rejuvenated, then they can slowly begin to increase the time and rate over a period of 30-45 days.
Can women whom are pregnant, those with a heart pacemaker, an organ transplant or epilepsy use the system? No, the detox footbath systems are not recommended for pregnant woman, anyone with a heart pacemaker, an organ transplant or epilepsy.
Why is it important to drink water after a detox footbath?
The action of the footbath is to displace the old lymph either back into the footbath water, or up towards the immune system, for disposal through the kidneys.
The lymph that is pushed towards the immune system for disposal needs to be processed by the immune system. The immune system relies heavily on water that contains alkaline (negatively charged) minerals that supply oxygen to "burn" the unwanted components in the old lymph (which is acidic, positively charged) before they can be recycled by the kidneys.
So, it is extremely valuable to replenish the supply of optimally hydrating water soon after, or even during, the footbath.
Why does the water color change?
The color change in the water can be attributed to a multitude of variances including, but not limited to: the water source quality used in the footbath; the type of lotions or other personal care items used on one's feet; the user's sweat, etc.
Most people would benefit from several sessions. You have accumulated toxins over your lifetime so a program of detox baths would help. Ask about our discounts.
When you stand on the vibration platform you will notice the following benifits: Burns Fat and tones and tightens Skin - Increased fat burning because the metabolism increases by training. The vibrations reshape the body in the hip, waist and abdomen.
Increases Human Growth Hormone output by up to 361%. Decreases cellulite and boosts your body's natural collagen production: The massage exercises loosen the agglutinations and results in better mobility of the tissue layers. The image of the skin will also improve, because cellulite is broken down and the connective tissue is enhanced therefore it would boost your body's natural collagen production for improved skin texture.
Increase your muscle strength up to 50% in as little as three weeks: During the training almost 100% of the muscle fibers are utilized.
Improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage and metabolism: During training, the muslces pump blood into the smallest capillaries up to 50 times per second. This allows the cells to receive fuel more rapidly and causes waste products to be disposed of much faster. Also by enhancing your local circulation it builds a stronger immunity system. Fights Against Numbness.
Builds Bone Density and fights osteoporosis and reduces your back and joint pains. Decreases blood Pressure, Decrease your recovery time after workouts. Dramatically increase your flexibility: Due to better blood flow, heating of the muscles and the tendon stretching reflex, the body becomes much more supple and relaxed.
Improved sense of balance and coordination: The receptors in the entire body are stimulated at the same time, which leads to improved coordination of the relating muscles at the same time the sense of balance are trained.
Reduces stress: Decreases level of Cortisol (hormone released when under stress) Causing better mood and sense of well being. It helps your relax with its vibration and it also can help you fight insomnia.
Using the remote, the power button is the red upper left button the start button is the upper right button. If the unit is on and you push the start button you will stare at level one of the 20 possible levels. If you push the program button "P" lower right then the start button you will start the first programed session of 3. These are 10 min. sessions with 3 different levels at about every 3 mins. I recommend starting at the first program. Each push of "P" will bring you to the next program, then you push the start button.
If you are going to sit or lay on the platform use the lower levels {NOT THE Programs} you need to get accustom to it first then you can use higher settings.
The stated purpose for the FDA is to protect the public when it comes to food, nutritional supplements, drugs, and medical devices. A recent food scare and the removals of tomatoes from the market is an example of the FDA's responsibilities. Several years ago I remember Tylenol capsules that had been laced with arsenic and the FDA immediately had all products like that removed from the market for a week or so. For awhile regular gelatin capsules, that can be taken apart, were banned and replaced with caplets, the one piece capsule type pill. These are examples of the FDA doing its job.
But let me give you the other side. Sometime in the 1980s there was a front page news report about a raid on a medical doctor's office on the West Coast. FDA agents along with a local SWAT team broke down the door minutes before the clinic was about to open, even though the property manager was offering them a key, and shoved all the nurses and other employees against the wall with guns pointed. They confiscated thousands of dollars of computer equipment and nutritional supplements and claimed the doctor was using potentially harmful unapproved drugs on his patience. One of the agents, in a photo shoot, held up a vial of mold indicating the doctor was injecting it into unsuspecting patients. Of course this was a lie. What were these unapproved drugs? Homeopathic vitamins from Germany. What was funny is I carried the same products in my office. These products were approved by Germany's equivalent of the FDA but since homeopathy was not fully accepted by the FDA in the United States certain remedies were on their ban list. These homeopathic remedies could have been given to a baby, a gallon at a time with no possible side effects. After almost a year after the raid no charges were filed and there had never been any patient complaints. The biggest crime this doctor did was abandon drug therapy, as a medical doctor, and utilized exclusively natural therapies in his clinic. Around the same time the president of a well known nutritional company sold in health food stores, had his home invaded by armed SWAT team's and FDA agents for the serious crime of distributing research on vitamin E. You heard me right. Because the research was not approved information by the FDA nutritional companies do not have the freedom of the press nor the freedom of speech to pass on information, truthful information about their products. As amazing as this sounds in the United States of America the FDA routinely inhibits the freedom of speech and freedom of press when it comes to natural nutritional products.
In the 60 years of the FDA's existence, in their great wisdom, they have only found about five or six nutritional products that they feel are worthy of claims. Their war against nutritional therapy is legend in the natural healthcare community. The FDA has actually shown up in nutritional seminars for doctors, put on by doctors, to stop the free flow of information concerning nutritional therapy. I'm not talking about the KGB and Russia I'm talking about the FDA in the United States of America.
The head of the science department at Loyola University decided to do research on the vitamin called Laetrile to see if its claims about cancer were true. As a scientist he had the right to purchase this vitamin even though the FDA had banned it in the United States. Yet his shipments were continually blocked and his facilities were repeatedly harassed and investigated by the FDA because he wanted to do this legitimate research. Through much effort and legal infighting he was able to finish his research and showed under certain circumstances this vitamin was effective in cancer. Yet the FDA still bans it today.
Hydroxyapatite is an extremely powerful bone builder and a very effective natural nutritional formula. But in order for the nutritional companies, who sell this product, to be able to make claims that it helps with bone integrity it has to be approved by the FDA. One company decided to spend over $1 million to do the testing to get it approved. This is an extreme hardship on nutritional companies because they can't patent a natural product. When a drug company spends that kind of money to bring a new drug to market they can patent it for 25 to 40 years and recoup all their research money a thousand times over. So when the nutritional company spends their money they never are able to recoup it because hundreds if not thousands of other nutritional companies will be able to use their research to promote their own hydroxyapatite product. Remember, you can't patent natural products. So you can see getting FDA approval is a whole different animal for nutritional companies as opposed to drug companies. This makes for a very unfair playing field. But one company, that I have worked with for over 25 years, bit the bullet and did the research only to have the FDA deny their right to make the claim. This company had to spend another several hundred thousand dollars in legal fees to take the FDA to court. Fortunately the FDA always seems to lose in court when it comes to these kinds of issues. The judge always chastises them for not following their own rules. Yet they never change.
Another company that I've worked with over the years developed a modified tens unit to do cerebral electrical stimulation. They had had multiple patients, who used their units for pain, tell them that they had less anxiety, depression and insomnia with regular use of their tens unit for pain. So they too spent the money in research to justify these claims. The research was overwhelming that their unit did help balance neurotransmitters and improve depression, anxiety and sleep disorders without drugs. This was an amazing finding considering the number of people who use harmful medications to control their symptoms. Just the paperwork required to submit an approval application runs a company around $200,000. After submitting their paperwork and awaiting an appropriate amount of time they contacted the FDA to see how the approval process was going. The FDA's response was "sorry, we lost your paperwork you'll need to resubmit." That meant they would have to reproduce another $200,000 worth of documenting paperwork and have it resubmitted to the FDA. Again after waiting an appropriate amount of time they called only to be told the same thing "sorry, we lost your paperwork." With this they took the FDA to court and again won the right to make claims about their product. Over the 60 years of the FDA's existence they have shown their extreme bias against nonpharmaceutical, nonsurgical approaches to health. These stories are just the tip of the iceberg. Thousands of companies selling nutritional products and nonsurgical medical devices have been put out of business due to the FDA's political, unethical practices.
Let me tell you a more personal story. In the 1980s a Japanese company developed a new technique of manufacturing L-tryptophan, an amino acid used for 40 years in the United States for depression, anxiety and sleep disorders. They neglected to check for contaminants in their new manufacturing process and released a product with a contaminant that caused a severe allergic reaction. For those susceptible to this allergen it would cause severe muscle damage and there were even some deaths. When it was determined that L-tryptophan was associated with this new and strange condition the FDA immediately had tryptophan removed from the market, which seemed to be an appropriate step. They still allowed it to be used in intravenous feeding tubes and infant formulas because of the importance in those situations. Within a few weeks it was determined that only the batches of tryptophan coming from this particular Japanese company were at fault. The contaminant was found and the consumers who were damaged sued and won judgments against this Japanese company. That's all well and good but how come the tryptophan is still off the market? The FDA pronounce it was going to keep tryptophan off the market permanently and even though there was an uproar, because millions of Americans found this to be a safe and effective treatment for their depression, anxiety and sleep disorders yet the FDA stuck to it guns.
During this time I called the FDA to complain about this unfair practice. By this time in my practice I had seen several effective and powerful nutritional products removed from the market by the FDA. Enough was enough. So I called and talked to a government employee at the FDA and was appalled at the lies and stonewalling that I received. They didn't know that I was a doctor and kept up their story about the tryptophan problem. I knew it wasn't the tryptophan it was a contaminant in the tryptophan. Yet this agent, who knew better, who knew all the facts surrounding the tryptophan fiasco lied to me over the phone saying it was the tryptophan. When I ask why this unique condition only showed up in the last few months and tryptophan had been used for the past 40 years without any problems, they didn't skip a beat and came out with an unlikely story that no one ever caught this before. Our government lies to us, this is hard to take. The FDA is one of the most unethical arms of the government that I'm aware of. In other words their story was this, tryptophan is OK for the seriously ill patient who has to take their food intravenously or for newborn babies but it's too dangerous for the general public. That's their story and they were sticking with it. And they have stuck with it for almost 20 years, but recently I guess by magic tryptophan has become safe again. Because now I can sell it without a label saying for animal use only. You heard me right, for several years I got pure pharmaceutical grade L-tryptophan labeled for animal use only, for some of my patients. Let me explain, animal products are manufactured by the same stringent controls that human products go through. Yet the FDA in their wisdom determined tryptophan couldn't hurt animals just humans.
I write this article because even today some people are afraid to do anything that's not FDA approved. But it's important to understand when it comes to natural health care you simply cannot trust this corrupt organization.
It used to be that the only problems electricity caused were static cling, or a nasty shock if you were foolish enough to touch an electrical cord. Not anymore. Studies over the past 10 years prove we have a new menace to healthy living: "electropollution."
This is excessive exposure to environmental electricity known as electromagnetic radiation (EMR), now thought to pose a major threat to our well-being. In other words, we're being buzzed, and the perpetrators are not those of the winged honey-producing variety. As a result, the natural electro-magnetic field around us is severely affected or influenced causing all kinds of illnesses and pain that doctors cannot explain.
There is not enough room on this page to list all of these illnesses, but here are a few: pains and aches, high and low blood pressure, circulation-related abnormalities, headaches, migraines, neuralgia, vertebrae pain, lumbago, sciatica, phantom pain, muscle spasms, nerve inflammation, dizziness, insomnia and stress.
There are two categories of EMR. The first is ionizing radiation and includes X-rays. gamma rays and nuclear radiation. We know about X-rays. Gamma rays are not prevalent. For the most part, we're not likely to run into nuclear radiation unless we live next door to a nuclear waste dump or a very unfriendly country. That's the good news.
The bad news is the second category of EMR. This is called non-ionizing radiation and includes the 60 hertz alternating currents that power our homes and offices. Under this category is everything we hold dear for day-to-day living: electrical outlets, wires, lamps, television sets, microwave ovens, radios, tape players. telephones, electric heaters, electric blankets, blow dryers, computers and clothes dryers. Even your dishwasher is suspect, unless of course you happen to have a housemate who revels in dishpan hands.
While 60 hertz is considered to be an extremely low frequency (ELF), many hours of exposure per day is considered hazardous. Dr Elson M. Haas. author of Staying Healthy With Nutrition, explains ELF as follows: the Earth's vibration is approximately lOcps (hertz) which is in the alpha, or resting, range of our brain. The Electro Low Frequencies (ELF) common range of 45-70 hertz of most machinery and power lines is close enough to ours and to earth's vibration that it influences us, mainly in the sense of agitation or stimulation. The most general effect of this is probably in our biocycles and in increasing stress and fatigue, as well as in lowering resistance to disease. It also affects our ability to sleep and rest deeply"
Boost to Immunity
Dr Haas also feels that ELF has a direct effect on our immunizational systems. Because our bodies contain electrical current, it makes sense that doses of external current will rearrange our own built-in immunity. So, short of moving to the northern-most part of Greenland, how do we combat ELF? Believe it or not, by neutralizing your own magnetic field you can eliminate not only the aformentioned painful conditions but also positively treat a variety of ailments using another electronic device which enhances your own magnetic field.
The Bio-Medici has an ultra low, .7Hz frequency selection. This frequency was previously offered on clinical models many times the cost of this unit. The Bio-Medici is the only device of this type made in North America. This technology was developed in Germany by Dr. Ludwig. Advanced technology provides over 100 frequency selections. This product is a compact, lightweight device that you wear either around your neck (like a pendant), or tucked away inside a shirt pocket. The Bio-Medici emits a alternating low frequency electronic emission designed to compensate for the influx of radiation we receive daily within our homes and offices.
Bio-Medici can be programmed to emit anywhere from .5 to 10.5 hertz; comes with an easy-to-read manual and operates on a small single battery. Should you currently be taking prescribed medication, Bio-Medici 's electromagnetic field will facilitate the entering of medicines into the cell, increasing the healing effects by up to 50 per cent, thus allowing a reduction in the amount of medication prescribed.
Extensive clinical studies in Austria and Hungary show that therapy with an electromagnetic field can be used in combination with other therapies, and in many cases the effect of the other healing methods will be enhanced. In addition, the research results in the last few years have shown that a pulsating low frequency magnetic field (.5 to 10.5 Hz) has a wide sphere of application in medical therapy.
People suffering from atmospheric pressure changes dealing with migraine and/or ill feelings will benefit the most.
I have used this technology both personally and clinically since 1988. I have to admit that I'm amazed every time another patient tries the unit. The main condition I have recommended this device for is allergies. Most patients respond well to our homeopathic allergy mix that is produced here at our clinic but a few do not. What is amazing is that 100 percent of the patients I have recommended this technology for with allergies have responded beautifully. Back in the eighty when I first tried this technology I was at a soccer game with someone suffering from allergies. I offered my device to them and within ten minutes their symptoms completely disappeared. In reading the literature I notice it was supposed to help with sleep. I don't have a problem with sleep but I thought I would try it anyway. I slept like a baby and woke up druged. I can highly recommend the Bio-Medici.
I used to have very serious problems with my digestion, and the Bio Medici helped me. I was so preoccupied with treating this complaint that I quite forgot to place the device on my legs in order to treat my varicose veins. But I also used the Bio Medici twice a day at the General Body Treatment setting, which returns all body functions to normal, and to my great joy I can now report that my varicose veins have almost totally disappeared. Amazing! --- JD
My wife started out by holding the Bio Medici firmly between her hands, who had become virtually unusable due to "arthritis" - a very painful inflammatory condition associated with swelling. Even her normal daily tasks had become almost impossible for her to perform. The pain disappeared - not for ever, but long enough for her to use her hands again without having to put up with incredible pain and a feeling of numbness. After one week her sense of touch returned, and she remained without pain.---DM
After two weeks, the pain and swelling in the joints of my fingers had disappeared.But that is not all: I also use the Bio Medici to strengthen my immune system and ever since I started treating myself daily with the device, I have not had any more colds.---- MH