Navigating through lies, politics and profit in an attempt to find better health.
Big food and big Pharma have lied to you to increase their bottom line. In the attempt to understand health and the principles that lead to better health you have to navigate through conflicting messages that attempt to brainwash you into lining the pockets of big food and big Pharma to the deficit of you and your family's health.
To give an example of this we will talk about heart disease and osteoporosis.
If I ask most people on the street what was the main contributor to heart disease then cholesterol would be the first thing out of most people's mouth. If I ask you the number one way of maintaining healthy bones most people would say consuming more calcium. My question to you is: did you arrive at these conclusions by your own in-depth study of the research and science or have you opened up a medical textbook to determine how these conditions develop and exactly what these conditions are? Was it by extensive research that you come to these conclusions? Of course not you have been taught by television, radio and newsprint and even doctors.
Let me give you some facts: one of the largest studies, I'm talking real-life studies not theoretical studies, was a Harvard study of 78,000 nurses. The facts are the nurses that consume the most calcium had the most bone fractures. Asian women living in their own culture eating their own cultural diet get one third the calcium that American women get and osteoporosis is extremely rare in their society. When they move to the US and incorporate the US diet they become the top risk group for osteoporosis.
The next fact is the cholesterol theory of heart disease first gained its acceptance in the 1950s. Medical nutritionist Dr. Keyes supposedly correlated the level of fat intake with heart disease in six countries and even though his theory was rejected at the time he used political maneuvering by becoming part of the Heart Association and finally got his theory accepted. When you look at his original research you will see a study of 23 countries trying to make this correlation and he had to eliminate 16 of these countries in order to make his theory look correct statistically. When you add back the 16 countries he conveniently eliminated the correlation just doesn't stand up. And between the 1950s and about 1976 there are six different major studies trying to correlate fat in the diet with heart disease and they have all failed. In fact every major study from 1969 through the present has failed to support the cholesterol theory.
One of the longest continual studies is ongoing today started in 1948 in Framingham Massachusetts. This study involves 5000 residents and has shown some amazing contradictions to the cholesterol theory of heart disease. In fact this study has shown after the age 47 the patients with the highest cholesterol outlive the patients with lower cholesterol levels. This study also shows those who ate more saturated fat weighed less and had more energy than those on the low-fat diet.
In April 1996 the second International symposium on dietary fats and oils consumption in health and disease was hosted by the Southwest University medical school in Dallas Texas. Researchers from around the world presented their findings on the effects of fat in the human diet. After the presentations showing the subjects following the low-fat diet hadn't got rid of their obesity, and not lowered their cholesterol levels, had lowered their HDL levels (the good cholesterol), and had increase their blood levels of triglycerides (a major risk factor for heart disease), the moderators of the symposium pronounce the low-fat diet a failure.
The strongest evidence points to inflammation as the soil in which obesity, diabetes, and heart disease develop from. So strategies to reduce inflammation will lead to the best chance of better health. This is where diet and lifestyle are very important. There are several factors that lead to inflammation in the body which include: junk food (highly refined carbohydrates), hydrogenated oils that include trans fats, elevation in bad prostaglandins and hormones like insulin which are produced by the overabundance of refined vegetable oils and refined carbohydrates and sugar, and the reduced amount of helpful antioxidants and pH balancing foods and beverages that reduce the excess acidity of the body.
So as we look to diet and lifestyle (because even too much aerobic exercise without appropriate amounts of antioxidants in the diet can also lead to inflammation) then selecting the proper diet is crucial. Unfortunately there is no one diet that fits everybody and so you need to match the right ratio of fats, carbohydrates and proteins that fit your genetic makeup.
The body typing system that I use consists of four different body types: thyroid, gonadal, adrenal and pituitary. These four types tend to correspond the four personality types: Sanguine (This type is characterized by spontaneity, optimism, enthusiasm, high energy, mental flexibility, novelty seeking, impulsiveness and curiosity)., Phlegmatic (These people are mainly defined by their social skills, such as their ability to express themselves and read other people face expressions and body language. They do well at connecting facts and seeing “the big picture”. They are nurturing, sympathetic, agreeable and emotionally expressive). Choleric (This type is associated with testosterone, which is also present in men and women, but more so in men. These people are direct, focused, tough, analytical, logical and strategic. They have a great deal of courage and like to compete, often against each other. They often have square jaws, high cheekbones and high foreheads and love to use words like “intellect”, “ambition” and “challenge”) and Melancholic (tend to be calm, loyal and orderly, just as their personality name sounds. They are cautious and conventional. These men and women inherited genes in the serotonin system and their favorite words are “family”, “loyal”, “respect”, “caring”, “values” and “moral”). Most people are unique blend of four different types of personality, where all of the traits are present to some extent.
These four body types can be divided into two groups. We can call one group the protein group (about 70% of US) and the other the complex carbohydrate group (30%) the protein group tends to be sensitive to carbohydrates particularly refined sugars and grains. The carbohydrate group tends to be sensitive to fats (eggs, butter and red meat), salt and spices. So a diet too high in sugars and grain can lead to inflammation in the protein type. A diet high in fats and oils can lead to inflammation in the carbohydrate type.
So simply learning which body type you are and focusing on the correct ratio of fats, carbohydrates and proteins you can make a significant difference in your health.
There are five laws of health that we encourage our patients to follow to regain and maintain good health over a lifetime. These laws are diet, exercise, rest and relaxation, positive spiritual and mental attitude and a healthy balanced nervous system.
In the area diet this includes eating your body type diet but also consuming enough water for your body weight. In order to determine how much water you need to drink you divide your weight in half and consider that answer in ounces. For instance a hundred pound person their cleansing dose of fluids would be 50 ounces 80% of that would give you the minimum fluids they should drink which is 40 ounces. Dehydration can cause a whole host of conditions and cause any condition your suffering with to be a little worse. Since the EPA recommends boiling city water before drinking we encourage our patients to drink filtered water. Also when it comes to water you can get water in different pH ranges. If you're dealing with an inflammatory chemistry your body is going to be acidic. And so alkaline water can be very effective in the overall management of your body chemistry.
As we consider water we also consider detoxification because we live in a toxic environment. And so most patients need to undergo some level of detoxification in order to remove important stressors in their ability to maintain normal function and better health. So drinking your cleansing dose of fluids can be helpful in detoxification. And when it comes to how much alkaline water we recommend you should drink about a liter a day. Too much alkaline water can produce negative effects for some people.
When it comes to exercise there are exercises that work best with different body types.
Rest and relaxation would also include quality sleep. New research indicates that sleep is one way that our brains are able to detoxify. But there's a growing list of health problems that are associated with the lack of proper sleep. The average adults should get between seven and nine hours of sleep each night.
When it comes to positive mental and spiritual attitude than spiritual disciplines like meditation, prayer and helping others can be very important. When it comes to moods neurotransmitters can be important. Serotonin is considered an important neurotransmitter when it comes to depression or anxiety. What most people don't realize is your gut is your second brain and 80 percentage of serotonin is produced in your gut. Now the serotonin in your brain and the serotonin in your gut don't appear to intermingle. But when the level is out of balance in one area it will affect the other. Probiotics are extremely important in maintaining good gut health; your gut also is your second immune system.
Healthy nervous system is an obvious necessity based on scientific understanding that the nervous system controls and coordinates everything in your body. It's just outside of chiropractic or osteopathic research most doctors don't know how to improve nervous system function. It is been my experience over the past 38 years in practice that through chiropractic adjustments we can enhance the body's function significantly. In fact the average chiropractic patient undergoing regular care has an immune system anywhere from 200% more effective than the average person on the street. Also recent research has shown chiropractic treatments are one of the few interventions that can raise the level of DNA repair chemistry in your body to help prevent disease and extend lifespan.