Studies show more people are searching for natural solutions for their health. In 1993 the American Medical Association did a survey of health habits of Americans and found that more Americans visited doctors that practiced natural healthcare then doctors that practiced drug therapy and surgery.
There are many reasons for this shift in healthcare. Some people are concerned about the side effects that drugs have, (2000 deaths per week and over 1 million injuries per year), some people have a sense of body ecology and don't want to put any artificial substances within their body. Some people have discovered drugs mainly cover-up symptoms and never get to the root of their problem, and are more concerned with maximizing their health than just making some symptoms disappear.
I'm sure you have seen either a popular magazine or news program on TV on the benefits of different natural healthcare techniques. Chiropractic is the world's largest natural healthcare profession and specializes in finding the root cause of health problems and helping restore patients to better health through natural methods.
At Keefe clinic these are the principles that we specialize in. We promise you that we will not just cover-up your symptoms and allow the underlying condition time to get worse.
Chiropractic care, homeopathic care, individualized diet, acupuncture, nutritional therapy, muscle therapy and exercise, whatever it takes to move your body from disease to health, dysfunction to realizing your genetic potentials. We will customize a program to fit your particular health needs, from low back pain and headaches to digestive problems and PMS. From ear infections in babies to arthritis or heart disease and the geriatric patient, we offer the latest and natural healthcare.
If you have a health problem or suffering from some painful condition I would like to invite you to come in for a complimentary consultation, or, if you have been looking for clinic that offers natural healthcare and want to get started rebuilding your health, please give Keefe clinic call at 918-663-1111. We offer classic diagnostic testing as well as unique state-of-the-art innovative testing techniques from the natural healthcare field to help understand the nature of your particular health issues and help customize a treatment program. We offer comprehensive natural family care. Come join the revolution. Learn how to take control of your health needs.
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