Knowledge Base
Natural Law Series
A Healthy Nervous System
Diet, Exercise, Attitude, Rest And A Pressure Free Nervous System
Have you ever thought much about your nervous system? Millions and millions of tiny electrical fibers sending chemical and electrical information throughout your body. Making muscles move, causing glands to secrete, creating the miracle of sight and sound. Most people don't think much about how the body works but if we were going to decide upon the most important system it would have to be the nervous system. Not that you can do without your cardiovascular system or your digestive system but these systems and all the rest are controlled and coordinated by the nervous system.
Gray's anatomy, one of the most widely used anatomy books, indicates that the nervous system controls and coordinates every organ, part and system of the body and relate the individual to his or her environment. To put that in plain english your stomach won't digest, your lungs won't take in air, your joints won't lubricate themselves and your brain won't interpret what your eyes see without the function of the nervous system.
Who Are You?
In the physical sense you are your nervous system. You're not your liver, though your liver is a part of what makes up your body. If you get a liver transplant you're still you. If you get a heart transplant you're still you but if science could transplant your nervous system then you would not be there anymore. Not only are you expressed through the nervous system so is your health.
Your nervous system was the first recognizable organ, a little gray streak, within a mass of identical looking cells. It was your nervous system's job to take those cells and make a complete human being. And now it's your nervous systems job to maintain the normal function of your body. It controls the growth of cells, the function of organs as well as coordinates the massive job of navigating your body's movements. The miracle of balance and movement of our human bodies is pulled off masterful by the control of the nervous system.
How Do You Work?
How fast should your heart beat right now? How much insulin should your pancreas produce right now? What is your cholesterol level right now? The answer to these questions are programmed within your nervous system. The ability to regulate these functions and thousands upon thousands of others is the ability your nervous system has to maintain you health. When your nervous system is in full control it can express your genetic potentials as far as health is concerned. It keeps your cholesterol level normal, your blood sugar normal, your hormone levels normal, your blood pressure normal etc.
If you have a digestive problem what's wrong with your nervous system? Your nervous system controls and coordinates the growth, repair and function of your digestive system. Why is your digestive system acting up? Has your nervous system forgot want to do? Of course not, but you can be assured something is interfering with its function. Your nervous system knows how to keep your digestive system functioning normally. Then why do you have digestive problems. Is it due to some lack of a drug? Some antacids? What is the daily recommended requirement for Alka-Seltzer?
No, your nervous system has not forgot want to do. But the information can get blocked and never reach your digestive system. When the information that tells your stomach how much acid to secrete becomes garbled what is your stomach to do? The organs need direction in order to function properly. It's your nervous systems job to give it that direction. When you get sick this direction is lost, chiropractic can restore it.
How Do You Get Sick?
There are different causes for nerve interference but the number one causes is subluxation. The subluxation is a slight misalignment of a vertebra which causes distortion within the spine. This misalignment with the accompanying changes in the spine can cause a considerable amount of stress on the nervous system. Unfortunately this stress is not always felt as pain. In fact a considerable amount of stress can develop along key nerves without any back pain whatsoever. As this stress is maintained, organs, parts and systems start to malfunction. Again this malfunction can take place slowly over time without a lot of warning. Our body slowly loses the vitality and energy that is part of normal function. Slowly over months and years disease develops.
Nerves from the spinal cord (Pre-ganglionic fibers) communicate (synapse) with the nerves controlling organs (up to 20 post-ganglionic fibers - autonomic chain).
Vertebra become subluxated (misaligned) and compress the nerves (pinched nerves).
- 10 millimeters of pressure decrease the nerve function 40%
- 20 millimeters of pressure decrease function by 60%.
- (Spinal Research University Colorado)
This nerve pressure causes the underlying weakness that allows disease to develop. Healthy bodies don't get sick.
Studies show chiropractic is twice as effective as medical care, at half the cost. (Trial records WlIks vs. AMA)
How Do You Get Well?
A Chiropractic physician is trained in detection and correction of spinal subluxation complex. A Chiropractic physician is trained in diagnosis as other physicians are but when it comes to treatment we specialize in a natural approach. The Chiropractic adjustment to reposition the spinal bones also rebalances the spinal distortion that results from the subluxation. This releases the spark of life that allows the body the miracle of healing.
How Do You Stay Well?
The Chiropractic physician includes diet, exercise and other lifestyle techniques to restore the body to good health. Because the Chiropractic physician works with the spine many people mistakenly believe that chiropractors just work with spinal problems. A Chiropractic physician works with most health problems with treatments that are designed to fix and not cover up. The Chiropractic approach is a natural health care approach. We offer health care for the whole family.
If you know someone with a chronic health problem please pass along this pamphlet. Please see our other pamphlets in the natural law series.
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Table of Contents
- Natural Law Series
- A Healthy Nervous System
- Rest
- Diet
- Exercise
- Attitude
- Acid-Alkaline Balance
- Acid Reflux
- Aspirin
- Beating Addictions
- Chiropractic and DNA Repair
- Chiropractic
-The Science,Philosophy and Art - Cholesterol
- Chocolate
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Digestion 101
- Emotional Freedom Techniques
- Epilepsy
- Food as Medicine Series
- Heart Problems
- Homeopathy 101
- Houston We Have A Problem
- How Loud Do You Scream?
- Humidity
- Is Your Insurance Co. Killing You?
- Kidney Stones
- Kids and Chiropractic Care
- Magnesium
- Nitric Oxide & Sexual Response
- Osteoarthritis
- Osteoporosis
- Pathways to Wellness or Disease
- Peeling The Onion
- Phantom Organ Response
- Reflex Systems
- Salt and Good Health
- Something About Mary
- The Chiropractic Adjustment
- The Colon
- The Deception Of Perception
- The Digestive System
- The Prostate
- The Truth About Cholesterol
- Tips On Quitting Smoking
- VEGA Testing 101
- Weight Loss
- Wellness
- What A Pain In The Neck
- What Is FibromyalgiaI Syndrome?