Knowledge Base
Homeopathy 101
Keefe Clinic incorporates a very old form of healing called HOMEOPATHY, Homeopathy is one of the oldest and gentlest forms of medicine known to mankind. From our customized allergy mix to our flower mix for emotional processing, we offer a full line of homeopathy.
- To understand the philosophy of Homeopathy, there are some terms that you must know, such as:
- IATROGENIC DISEASE (eye-atra-genic):
This means a disease that is caused by medical treatment, hospital stay, or drugs you are taking. - ALLOPATHIC MEDICINE
This is medicine as we know it today: surgery, injections of drugs, utilization of drugs or combinations of drugs, vaccinations, and hospitalization. Medical doctors are allopathic physicians. - HOLISTIC OR ALTERNATE THERAPY
This is a belief in "natural" therapy, which means the UTILIZATION of nutrition, changes in life styles, homeopathy, diet, vitamins, minerals, herbs, exercise, environmental detoxification, body detoxification, adjustment of the spine, reflex testing etc. Anything that you can do to help yourself achieve health would be considered alternate therapy. Holistic doctors would be most Doctors of Chiropractic, some Osteopathic a few Medical Doctors, Naturopath, Homeopaths, any health care professional that is working to make you a healthy person by using natural means. - Cut down on all fats
- Too much peanut butter
- Yellow fat on meats
- Cold cuts
- Butter, margarine, and hydrogenate fats
- Rancid cooking oils and lards
- Tropical oils (especially coconut and/or palm oil)
- Heavy cream
- Coffee creamers
- Whole milk
- Reduce salt intake
- Don't eat preserved meats, such as bacon, ham, cold cuts that contain many preservatives and nitrates.
- Use only fresh whole foods.
- Utilize whole grains and high fiber foods: oat bran, wheat, bran or rice bran (beans are very high in fiber)
- Eat an abundance of raw vegetables and fruit. (Use the whole fruit instead of concentrated juices all the time).
For example: The body was not designed to consume 6-10 apples at one time; when you drink a large glass of apple juice, you are getting that many apples. This applies to all fruit juices. So drink in moderation. - Do not consume alcohol, or consume in very limited quantities.
- Limit your intake of sugar and white flour.
This is a common misconception in the world today. Most people think that their doctor is responsible for their health. This is NOT TRUE...YOU are the only person in the world that is responsible for your health. You have active choices in life... YOU can choose to lead a sensible healthy lifestyle, or you can choose a lifestyle that will lead you towards illness.
We are not saying that allopathic doctors and hospitals are not necessary. They are a must for crisis care...when you break a bone, or have an accident, or when you let a condition get out of hand.
"Over one third of hospital patients studied develop iatrogenic illnesses as a result of medical treatment, according to testimony before a US. Senate Appropriations Committee panel. Almost 10 percent of the patients contacted seriously disabling, life-threatening iatrogenic illnesses. Some fifty thousand Americans a year die from infections and diseases caught in hospitals. As many patients are dying each year from hospitalizations as from automobile accidents.' (pg 224, The Supermeds)
Homeopathy is a form of treatment that gently nudges the body towards a healthy state. It is 190 years old and was discovered by Samuel Hahnemann(l755-l843).
The Latin phrase 'Similia similibus curantur' ("Like shall be cured by like") forms the cornerstone of Homeopathic doctrine. According to Hahnemann, the proper remedy for an illness is that substance which in a HEATHY person would produce the same set of symptoms exhibited in the sick patient. This Law of Similars was not original with Hahnemann. The ideas had been advanced by philosophers and physicians from time to time for thousands of years, and Hahnemann acknowledges his debt to Hippocrates, in whose writings the principle of 'like cures like" appears. Hahnemann, however, was the first to build a consistent system of therapeutics based on this principle. (page 6 THE COMPLETE BOOK OF HOMEOPATHY: Weiner and Goss)
Homeopathy uses infinitesimal or micro doses of natural materials, mineral, animal, etc. Homeopathy's single purpose is to pay attention to the whole human being. The simple remedy is to trigger the Vital Force (Chi) within the human body which begins the body's own curative process. This is a medical philosophy which is recognized and extensively used by physicians throughout the world.
Homeopathy is alive and well in all parts of the world. In Britain, members of the Royal Family have been cared for by homeopathic physicians since the reign of Queen Victoria. Prince Charles' interest in Homeopathy and alternative health care is widely known. Homeopathy is taught, used in hospitals and physician's offices in France, Scotland, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, India, Mexico, Chili, Brazil and Argentine.
Homeopathy is on the rise all over the world, owing to the dissatisfaction of both physicians and patients with current medical treatment. Physicians and patients are looking for a SAFE and EFFECTIVE approach to healing and finding the answer in homeopathy.
Your doctor will instruct you on dosage, usually 10-15 drops three or four times a day. REMEMBER, there are no side-effects, and you do not have to worry about over-dosage. To increase effect, take half as much twice as often. If symptoms sever take a few drops every few minutes.
There are some things to keep in mind with your homeopathic remedies. They should be stored away from electrical or energy producing machines. This means to keep your remedies away from the television set, computer, iridescent light fixtures, and X-ray machines (including the x-.rays used in airports).
Call Dr. Keefe if you have any questions.
Light and heat do not affect homeopathic products. Just be sure to keep the products away from X-rays, magnets, TV sets (anything with an electromagnetic field). Some homeopathic doctors contend that these products stay potent for many years.
Talk with your doctor and let him lead you in the right direction. There are no short cuts basically, you must adhere to the old adage, "nothing in excess-all things in moderation" Once you have been given a remedy remember to bring it at each appointment as we might need to change its contents from time to time.
You can improve your overall heath by changing your diet.
On the 3rd to 4th day of taking homeopathic remedies, you may experience some detoxification. You simply quit taking the remedy for one or two days and then start in again. When your symptoms go away, ask if it is time to quit taking the product.
Like Chiropractic, Homeopathy believes health comes from with in. Though drugs are needed at some time, drugs don't heal. After the crisis is over seek the cure of your health problems with Chiropractic and Homeopathy.
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Table of Contents
- Natural Law Series
- A Healthy Nervous System
- Rest
- Diet
- Exercise
- Attitude
- Acid-Alkaline Balance
- Acid Reflux
- Aspirin
- Beating Addictions
- Chiropractic and DNA Repair
- Chiropractic
-The Science,Philosophy and Art - Cholesterol
- Chocolate
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Digestion 101
- Emotional Freedom Techniques
- Epilepsy
- Food as Medicine Series
- Heart Problems
- Homeopathy 101
- Houston We Have A Problem
- How Loud Do You Scream?
- Humidity
- Is Your Insurance Co. Killing You?
- Kidney Stones
- Kids and Chiropractic Care
- Magnesium
- Nitric Oxide & Sexual Response
- Osteoarthritis
- Osteoporosis
- Pathways to Wellness or Disease
- Peeling The Onion
- Phantom Organ Response
- Reflex Systems
- Salt and Good Health
- Something About Mary
- The Chiropractic Adjustment
- The Colon
- The Deception Of Perception
- The Digestive System
- The Prostate
- The Truth About Cholesterol
- Tips On Quitting Smoking
- VEGA Testing 101
- Weight Loss
- Wellness
- What A Pain In The Neck
- What Is FibromyalgiaI Syndrome?